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|Indicador de logro
| colspan="1" rowspan="9" |1. Responds to basic oral instructions given in English at school.
| colspan="1" rowspan="3" |1.1. Distinguishes the meaning of words and phrases related to daily school life.
|1.1.1. Phrases and gestures to greet, introduce and say
|1.1.2. Classroom objects.
|1.1.3. Useful classroom commands followed through Total Physical Response
| colspan="1" rowspan="3" |1.2. Understands specific phrases related to daily activities at school.
|1.2.1. New sounds in English. Word and word content
recognition related to numbers, time, spelling.
|1.2.2. Auxiliary verbs with simple present tense on every
day activities hobbies, habits
|1.2.3. Useful phrases to describe friends and family
What is bullying?
| colspan="1" rowspan="3" |1.3. Follows common directions given by the teacher.
|1.3.1. Commands through total physical response (TPR).
|1.3.2. Instructions, orders, commands and requests
given in class using imperatives.
|1.3.3. Warnings in case of emergencies.
| colspan="1" rowspan="16" |2. Answers orally to simple directions, questions and gives basic information by using specific phrases framed at school.
| colspan="1" rowspan="3" |2.1. Begins to use polite social language and basic vocabulary appropriately.
|2.1.1. Wh-question
|2.1.2. Present tense to describe yourself and family
members .
|2.1.3. Questions and answers to initiate and continue a
conversation: Simple Present and Present continuous.
| colspan="1" rowspan="3" |2.2 Asks and answers basic questions about needed information.
|2.2.1. Daily routines
|2.2.2. Days of the week. Family members.
|2.2.3. Months of the year. Places and addresses.
| colspan="1" rowspan="10" |2.3. Provides information about very specific topics.
|2.3.1. The alphabet., spelling and spelling bee competitions.
|2.3.2. Adjectives and feelings.
|2.3.3. Colors and articles of clothing.
|2.3.4. Food and drink.
|2.3.5. Prices and products.
|2.3.6 Cooking and recipes.
|2.3.7. Immediate and future plans.
|2.3.8 Travel and accommodations.
|2.3.9. Invitations.
|2.3.10. Entertainment.
| colspan="1" rowspan="13" |3. Reads aloud and silently: syllables, common words and phrases in English.
| colspan="1" rowspan="4" |3.1. Pronounces common words and phrases.
|3.1.1. Execution of simple instructions.
|3.1.2. Reading comprehension of simple sentences and
personal information.
|3.1.3. Description of a person and his likes and
|3.1.4. Readings and extraction of information from a
chat dialogue.
| colspan="1" rowspan="4" |3.2. Understands the meaning of common words and phrases in his readings.
|3.2.1. Reading of descriptions of a daily routine: verbs/daily
|3.2.2. Description of places, homes, neighborhoods,
towns that appear in his readings, using Nouns.
|3.2.3. Simple information questions: Wh-questions.
|3.2.4. Information on brochures and catalogs.
| colspan="1" rowspan="5" |3.3. Analyzes the meaning of common words and phrases.
|3.3.1. The essential information in short stories,
paragraphs and articles.
|3.3.2. Main ideas and details.
|3.3.3. Localization of information on a poster or info graphic.
|3.3.4. A restaurant menu.
|3.3.5. Usage of a dictionary to locate the meaning of
unknown words.
| colspan="1" rowspan="3" |4. Writes words and simple phrases and sentences in the new language with the right spelling and grammar structure.
| colspan="1" rowspan="3" |4.1 Writes words with accurate spelling.
|4.1.1. Short simple sentences.
|4.1.2. Short email giving personal information, describing
|4.1.3. Connection of ideas using and, but and because.
| rowspan="8" |
| colspan="1" rowspan="3" |4.2 Writes phrases with the right grammar structure.
|4.2.1. Descriptions: I, my classroom and my
|4.2.2. Usage of sequencing and time expressions related
to cultural practices of English-speaking countries.
|4.2.3. Redaction of an email giving directions to places
around your city.
| colspan="1" rowspan="5" |4.3. Creates phrases related to his own context.
|4.3.1. Description and explanation of who people
are in a photo.
|4.3.2. A simple recipe or a process to do something.
|4.3.3. Diary entries related to feelings, and occupations.
|4.3.4. Recommendation about a hotel, restaurant or form of
|4.3.5. Note or email with suggestions for an event.

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