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* Splits new lines of text into separate divs
* ### Options:
* - `width` string The width of the box. By default, it tries to use the
* element's width. If you don't define a width, there's no way to split it
* by lines!
* - `tag` string The tag to wrap the lines in
* - `keepHtml` boolean Whether or not to try and preserve the html within
* the element. Default is true
* @param options object The options object
* @license MIT License (
* Creates a temporary clone
* @param element element The element to clone
function _createTemp(element) {
return element.clone().css({position: 'absolute'});
* Splits contents into words, keeping their original Html tag. Note that this
* tags *each* word with the tag it was found in, so when the wrapping begins
* the tags stay intact. This may have an effect on your styles (say, if you have
* margin, each word will inherit those styles).
* @param node contents The contents
function _splitHtmlWords(contents) {
var words = [];
var splitContent;
for (var c=0; c<contents.length; c++) {
if (contents[c].nodeType == 3) {
splitContent = _splitWords(contents[c].textContent || contents[c].toString());
} else {
var tag = $(contents[c]).clone();
splitContent = _splitHtmlWords(tag.contents());
for (var tagless in splitContent) {
splitContent[tagless] = tag.html(splitContent[tagless]).wrap('<p></p>').parent().html();
for (var word in splitContent) {
return words;
* Splits words by spaces
* @param string text The text to split
function _splitWords(text) {
return text.split(/\s+/);
* Formats html with tags and wrappers.
* @param tag
* @param html content wrapped by the tag
function _markupContent(tag, html) {
// wrap in a temp div so .html() gives us the tags we specify
tag = '<div>' + tag;
// find the deepest child, add html, then find the parent
return $(tag)
* The jQuery plugin function. See the top of this file for information on the
* options
$.fn.splitLines = function(options) {
var settings = {
width: 'auto',
tag: '<div>',
wrap: '',
keepHtml: true
if (options) {
$.extend(settings, options);
var newHtml = _createTemp(this);
var contents = this.contents();
var text = this.text();
var maxHeight = newHtml.height()+2;
var tempLine = _createTemp(newHtml);
if (settings.width !== 'auto') {
var words = settings.keepHtml ? _splitHtmlWords(contents) : _splitWords(text);
var prev;
for (var w=0; w<words.length; w++) {
var html = tempLine.html();
tempLine.html(html+words[w]+' ');
if (tempLine.html() == prev) {
// repeating word, it will never fit so just use it instead of failing
prev = '';
newHtml.append(_markupContent(settings.tag, tempLine.html()));
if (tempLine.height() > maxHeight) {
prev = tempLine.html();
newHtml.append(_markupContent(settings.tag, tempLine.html()));
newHtml.append(_markupContent(settings.tag, tempLine.html()));