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Línea 28: Línea 28:  
#Jou, M., Hung, C. K., y Lai, S. H. (2010). Application of Challenge Based Learning Approaches in Robotics Education. International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education, 7(2), 1-42. Recuperado de:  
#Jou, M., Hung, C. K., y Lai, S. H. (2010). Application of Challenge Based Learning Approaches in Robotics Education. International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education, 7(2), 1-42. Recuperado de:  
#Kastner J., Kukreti A., y Torsella J. (2014). Using challenge based learning to teach the fundamentals of exponential equations. Recuperado de:
#Kastner J., Kukreti A., y Torsella J. (2014). Using challenge based learning to teach the fundamentals of exponential equations. Recuperado de:
#Kim, K., Sharma, P., Land, S. M., y Furlong, K. P. (2013). Effects of active learning on enhancing student critical thinking in an undergraduate general science course. Innovative Higher Education, 38(3), 223-235.
#Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, EUA: Prentice Hall. #Larmer, J. (2015). Project-Based Learning vs. Problem-Based Learning vs. X-BL. Recuperado de: 
#León, T. (2011). IBM anuncia ganadores del Taller Vertical del Tec de Monterrey. Portal Informativo. Recuperado de:
#León, T. (2014). Triunfa Campus Guadalajara en el INCmty. Mundo TEC. Recuperado de:
#Loewe, Z. (2013). Proponen proyecto para el Centro Histórico de Mazatepec. Portal Informativo. Recuperado de:!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3iLUOcwD6cgY0P3MccjA0-TUH8fT4swIz9LM_2CbEdFACeklO4!/?WCM_asee2007/papers/105_A_ STUDY_OF_CHALLENGE_BASED_ LEARNINGTECH.pdf
#Lovell, M. D., y Brophy, S. P. (2014). Transfer effects of challengebased lessons in an undergraduate dynamics course (ID 10539). Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Indianapolis, EUA. Recuperado de: ASEE2014_Transfer_Effects_of_ Challenged-Based_Lessons_in_an_ Undergraduate_Dynamic.pdf
#Malmqvist, J., Rådberg, K. K., y Lundqvist, U. (2015). Comparative Analysis of Challenge-Based Learning Experiences. Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R. China. Recuperado de:
#Markham, T. (2014). How to reinvent project based learning to be more meaningful. MindShift: How will we learn. Recuperado de:
#Martin, T., Rivale, S. D., y Diller, K. R. (2007). Comparison of student learning in challenge-based and traditional instruction in biomedical engineering. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 35(8), 1312-1323. doi:
#MIT (2015). #MIT Ideas Global Challenge. Recuperado de:
#Moore, D. (2013). For interns, experience isn’t always the best teacher. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Recuperado de:
#Moursund, D. (1999). Project-based learning using information technology. Eugene, OR, EUA: International Society for Technology in Education.
#Open Data MTY (2014). Más allá de la transparencia: Datos abiertos + Hacking cívico. Recuperado de:
#Pacheco, R. (2015). Culmina el ITESM su “Taller Vertical”. Pulso: Diario de San Luis. Recuperado de:
#Portal Informativo (2013, noviembre). Destacan en hackathon de Facebook. Recuperado de: monterrey/vida+estudiantil/ n2154879461431201
#Portal Informativo (2014, septiembre). Fortalecen rol docente: transforman educación. Recuperado de: monterrey/academia/n322222
#Reese, M., y Levy, R. (2009). Assessing the future: e-portfolio trends, uses, and options in Higher education. Recuperado de: bitstream/handle/1774.2/33329/ ECAR-RB_Eportfolios.pdf
#Ribeiro, L. R. C., y Mizukami, M. D. G. N. (2005). Problem-based learning: a student evaluation of an implementation in postgraduate engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education, 30(1), 137-149. Recuperado de: #Rowe, C., y Klein, S. (2007). A study of Challenge-Based Learning techniques in an introduction to engineering course. Recuperado de:
#Roselli, R. J., y Brophy, S. P. (2006). Effectiveness of Challenge-Based Instruction in Biomechanics. Journal Of Engineering Education, 95(4), 311-324.
#Sams, B. (2013). Knowledge: Just in Case to Just in Time. Skilledup for companies: Higher Education. Recuperado de:
#Santiago, R. (2014). 8 cosas que deberías saber sobre Aprendizaje Basado en Retos. The Flipped Classroom. Recuperado de:
#Santos, A. R., Sales, A., Fernandes, P., y Nichols, M. (2015). Combining Challenge-Based Learning and Scrum Framework for Mobile Application Development. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (pp. 189-194). Nueva York, EUA: ACM. #Savin-Baden, M., y Howell Major, C.  (2004). Foundations of Problembased Learning. Inglaterra: McGraw-Hill.
#Shuptrine, C. (2013). Improving College And Career Readiness Through Challenge-Based Learning. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER), 6(2), 181-188. Recuperado de:
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