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Revisión del 00:12 25 ago 2013

  1. Allene Flanders and Charlotte Knox (2007). “Information Please” 5th Annual Academic Success for English Learners and Migrant Students: Using Research-Based Practices.
  2. Bear, D., Invernizzi, M.Templeton, S., Johnston, F. (2000) Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction (2nd Edition-paperbak)
  3. Calderon, M E. (2008) Acelerando la comprensión, lectoescritura, y razonamiento académico de los adolescentes aprendiendoinglés. Edición6. Preparado por Yee Wan Santa Clara County Office of Education y Carla B. Herrera Loa Angeles County Office of Education.
  4. Cummins, J (1981) “The role of primary languaje development in promoting education al success for language minority students”. In Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework. Los Angeles: Evaluation, Dissemination and Assesment Center.
  5. Krashen, S (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Oxford: Pergamon.
  6. Lidholm-Leary, Kathryn, (2207) La educación en dos idiomas. Preparado por Nenette Adeson Rodriguez Oficina
  7. de Educación del Condado de San Diego.
  8. Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D.J. , Pollack, J.E. (2001) Classroom instruction that works: Research based strategies for
  9. increasing student achievement. Alexandria,VA: ASCD.
  10. Menyuk, P. (1999) Reading an linguistic development. Cambridge, MA: Brookline Books.
  11. Ministerio de Educación Currículum. Nacional Base Nivel primario (2007), 1o 2o y 3o grado. Guatemala. 1a Edición.
  12. Ovando, C. E Collier,V. (1998, second edition) Bilingual and ESL Classrroms: Teaching in Multicultural Contexts. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
  13. Saravia E. Albertina (1976)“PopolVuh” Antiguas historias de los indios quichés de Guatemala. Porrúa, S.A. WOLFE, P. (2001). Brain Research and Education: Fad or Foundation? August 2001.
  14. Bajtin, Mijail M. 1999. Hacia Una Filosofía del Acto Ético. Anthropos Research & Publications; 1. ed edition.
  15. Vygotsky, Lev S. 1986. Thought and Language.The MIT Press.
  16. Luria, Aleksandr. 1976. The Working Brain: An Introduction to Neuropsychology. Basic Books.
  17. Scarcella, Robin. 1990. Teaching Language Minority Students in the Multicultural Classroom. Prentice Hall.

Recursos en la red cibernética

  1. http://www.cal.org
  2. http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/ip
  3. http://bilingualeducation.org/
  4. http://www.duallanguagnm.org/
  5. www.hmongcenter.org