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< Módulo:Lua banner
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Revisión del 16:52 11 jul 2020 de en>Tacsipacsi ([Regression] add Category:Lua-based templates in no wishes mode even if there are no modules listed)
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La documentación para este módulo puede ser creada en Módulo:Lua banner/sandbox/doc
-- This module implements the {{lua}} template. local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local mList = require('Module:List') local mTableTools = require('Module:TableTools') local mMessageBox = require('Module:Message box') local TNT = require('Module:TNT') local p = {} local function format(msg) return TNT.format('I18n/Lua banner', msg) end local function getConfig() return mw.loadData('Module:Lua banner/config/sandbox') end function p.main(frame) local origArgs = frame:getParent().args local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = v:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end end return p._main(args) end function p._main(args, cfg) local modules = mTableTools.compressSparseArray(args) local box = p.renderBox(modules, cfg) local trackingCategories = p.renderTrackingCategories(args, modules, nil, cfg) return box .. trackingCategories end function p.renderBox(modules, cfg) local boxArgs = {} if #modules < 1 then cfg = cfg or getConfig() if cfg['allow_wishes'] then boxArgs.text = format('wishtext') else boxArgs.text = string.format('<strong class="error">%s</strong>', format('error_emptylist')) end else local moduleLinks = {} for i, module in ipairs(modules) do moduleLinks[i] = string.format('[[:%s]]', module) end local moduleList = mList.makeList('bulleted', moduleLinks) boxArgs.text = format('header') .. '\n' .. moduleList end boxArgs.type = 'notice' boxArgs.small = true boxArgs.image = string.format( '[[File:Lua-logo-nolabel.svg|30px|alt=%s|link=%s]]', format('logo_alt'), format('logo_link') ) return mMessageBox.main('mbox', boxArgs) end function p.renderTrackingCategories(args, modules, titleObj, cfg) if yesno(args.nocat) then return '' end cfg = cfg or getConfig() local cats = {} -- Error category if #modules < 1 and not cfg['allow_wishes'] and cfg['error_category'] then cats[#cats + 1] = cfg['error_category'] end -- Lua templates category titleObj = titleObj or mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if titleObj.namespace == 10 and not cfg['subpage_blacklist'][titleObj.subpageText] then local category = args.category if not category then local pagename = modules[1] and mw.title.new(modules[1]) category = pagename and cfg['module_categories'][pagename.text] if not category then if cfg['allow_wishes'] and #modules < 1 then category = cfg['wish_category'] else category = cfg['default_category'] end end end if category then cats[#cats + 1] = category end end for i, cat in ipairs(cats) do cats[i] = string.format('[[Category:%s]]', cat) end return table.concat(cats) end return p