2. Past Simple
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American English Videos/Grammar/2. Past Simple | |
Autor | |
Área | Comunicación y Lenguaje L 3, Inglés |
Grado | Básico 1er grado |
Tema | Gramática |
Competencia | 2. Writes sentences and paragraphs related to personal and family life using adequate grammatical structure and based on written texts and graphics. |
Indicador | 2.1 Writes sentences and short paragraphs in logical sequence. |
Saber declarativo | |
Tipo de licencia | |
Contenido | Verbs: to be, to have, can. |
Localización | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxv7vABwkpo |
Descripción del recursoEditar
This lesson introduces a few facts in the past simple.
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0:05 | Hey, I'm Andy, and I teach English. |
0:09 | Today's lesson is a story in the past simple. |
0:15 | This is my wife, Susan. |
0:18 | We first met at school. |
0:22 | I studied English, and she studied math. |
0:28 | When I talked to her, I was very nervous. |
0:34 | But we fell in love. |
0:36 | And the rest is history. |
0:41 | So, why use the past simple? |
0:46 | One reason is to tell stories. |
0:50 | And how do you use the past simple? |
0:55 | Well, "I study" becomes "I studied." |
1:01 | "I talk" becomes "I talked." |
1:05 | And "I am" becomes "I was." |
1:10 | "She studies" becomes "she studied." |
1:16 | "She is" becomes "she was." |
1:21 | And "we are" becomes "we were." |
1:27 | All right, your turn. Write this sentence in the past simple. Click pause. |
1:43 | Now, you can tell one of your stories. |
1:50 | Next time, we will learn about the future simple. |
1:55 | This is American English, and thanks for watching. |
For more information, visit: http://www.americanenglish.state.gov/.
Una teoría o hipótesis, sobre la organización del lenguaje en la mente de los hablantes de una lengua el conocimiento subyacente que permite la comprensión y producción del idioma.