3. Future Simple

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American English Videos/Grammar/3. Future Simple
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Autor American English at State
Área Comunicación y Lenguaje L 3, Inglés
Tipo de licencia Estándar de YouTube
Formato Vídeo
Responsable de curación Editor
Última actualización 2015/08/29
Localización https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfNMrfGcZXw

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This lesson introduces a few facts in the future simple.

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0:05 Hey, I'm Andy, and I teach English.
0:08 Today's lesson is on planning for the future - simple.
0:14 Today, I will teach three English classes.
0:20 Tomorrow, I will take my students on a field trip.
0:26 Next week, I will ask my boss for a raise.
0:30 And someday, I will travel the world.
0:36 So, why use the future simple?
0:41 On reason is to make plans.
0:45 And how do you use the future simple?
0:51 Add will. For example,
0:54 I will teach.
0:57 You will ask.
1:00 He travels becomes he will travel.
1:06 All right. Your turn. Fix the sentences.
1:11 Click pause.
1:24 What will you do tomorrow?
1:28 Next time, we will learn about
1:31 the verb phrase "going to."
1:35 This is American English, and thanks for watching.

For more information, visit: http://www.americanenglish.state.gov/.