Malla Curricular Segundo Grado de Subárea de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Idioma inglés, Primaria – Pueblo Xinka

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Competencia 1Editar

Competencias Indicadores de Logros Contenidos Temas
1 2 3 4
1. Escucha activamente instrucciones sencillas de su interlocutor identificando la acción requerida. 1.1. Sigue instrucciones orales sencillas. 1.1.1. Verb commands + negative commands with “stop”.
1.1.2. Model this by walking in place: walk, stop walking, run, stop running, jump, stop jumping, talk, stop talking.
1.2. Asocia instrucciones orales con la acción requerida. 1.2.1. Model speaking: “Hello. What's your name?”, “How are you?”
1.2.2. Model holding imaginary pencil: “write”, “stop writing”. (Use a pencil or mime with fingers.)
1.3. Realiza la acción de manera correcta de acuerdo con la instrucción dada. 1.3.1. Verb commands + negative commands with “don't”.
1.3.2. Model the following commands: “Don't' run to the door, walk to the door.” “Don't walk to the flag, jump to the flag.” “Don't push your chair, hit your chair.” (Get the class to repeat.)
1.4. Reacciona inmediatamente ante un mandato. 1.4.1. Verbs of motion + places: “Go to the door.”, “Don't run.” “Walk slowly.” “Open the door.” “Close the door.” ”Jump to the window.” “Touch the window.” “Walk tiptoe to the teacher's desk.” “Touch the teacher's desk.
1.4.2. Commands using colors: “Go to the brown door.” “Touch the yellow pencil.”

Competencia 2Editar

Volver a Subárea de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Idioma inglés

Competencias Indicadores de Logros Contenidos Temas
1 2 3 4
2. Identifica fonemas diferentes a los de su idioma en su relación con otros. 2.1. Diferencia entre los fonemas básicos de su idioma materno y los del idioma en estudio. 2.1.1. Special sounds used in the language: “h” “th” “j” “d”.
2.1.2. Identifies key sounds to make inferences about similar words: the, that, this, these, hat, hot.
2.2. Asocia órdenes con palabras que contienen fonemas similares. 2.2.1. “Bring two books, please.” “Bring three sheets of paper, please.”, “Bring an eraser, please.”
2.2.2. “Put de book con the chair, please.”, “Put the book in the box, please.”
2.3. Formula y responde a preguntas con respuestas cortas utilizando palabras con sonidos similares. 2.3.1. Responds with short answers: “Is that a chair? Yes, it is. “ “Is this a pencil? Yes, it is.”
2.3.2. Questions: “Is this a book?” “Is that a table?”, “Are there three pencils?”

Competencia 3Editar

Volver a Subárea de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Idioma inglés

Competencias Indicadores de Logros Contenidos Temas
1 2 3 4
3. Pronuncia expresiones básicas al comunicarse con otras personas. 3.1. Pronuncia adecuadamente la orden en proceso de realización. 3.1.1. “Wh” word questions: Where, what, who, which:
3.1.2. Expressions in class: “Where is your book?”, “Where is your pencil?”, “Where is your ruler?”
3.2. Enuncia claramente las diferentes órdenes y expresiones cotidianas. 3.2.1. Asks and answers short questions: “What is your name?” “My nameis.” “How old are you?”, “I am years old.”
3.2.2. Everyday expressions: Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening.
3.3. Pronuncia palabras pares con sonidos similares. 3.3.1. Pair words: “Take - cake” “Look - cook” “Of - off ” “Milk - silk”.

Competencia 4Editar

Volver a Subárea de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Idioma inglés

Competencias Indicadores de Logros Contenidos Temas
1 2 3 4
4. Utiliza el lenguaje oral y escrito en expresiones sencillas como auxiliar de la comunicación. 4.1. Sigue instrucciones verbales para realizar dos acciones. 4.1.1. Personal information: “What is your address and how do you spell that?”, “What is that and how do you spell it's name.”
4.1.2. Write with / draw with + crayons: “Write your first name with the blue crayon.” “Write your last name with the red crayon.” “Draw a flower with the green and the yellow crayons.”
4.1.3. Color / draw + first, second, third, fourth: “Draw four circles. Color the first circle red, color the second circle blue, color the third circle orange, color the fourth circle yellow.
4.2. Expresa sus preferencias de entre una serie de órdenes o instrucciones. 4.2.1. Telling the time: “What time is it?”
4.2.2. Ask the time: “What time is it?”, “It's ______ o' clock.” (Use of clock face with moveable hands.)
4.2.3. Numbers from 11 to 20 (eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen)
4.3. Infiere el significado de los movimientos acompañados de una expresión oral. 4.3.1. Command forms and prepositions of place: “Take the doll, the green crayon, and the red ball.” “Put the doll on the table.” “Put the crayon on the desk.” “Put the red ball under the table.”
4.3.2. Occupations and work places: “Student - book”, “Teacher - school” “Nurse - Hospital” “Secretary - office.”
4.3.3. Expressions: “Where is the teacher?” “He is at school.” “Where's the secretary?”, “She is at the office.”

Competencia 5Editar

Volver a Subárea de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Idioma inglés

Competencias Indicadores de Logros Contenidos Temas
1 2 3 4
5. Utiliza la lectura para responder a expresiones sencillas. 5.1. Interpreta símbolos específicos propios del idioma en aprendizaje. 5.1.1. Sports symbols: “soccer” “baseball” “basketball”.
5.1.2. Contractions: “It's”, “What's” “Where's”: “What's that?” “It's a lamp.” “Where is it?” “It's on the table.”
5.1.3. Name of fruits: “banana”, “orange” “lemon” “peach”.
5.1.4. Expressions: “Bring the orange.” “Eat the banana.”
5.1.5. Write amounts of money using the symbol US$.
5.2. Asocia imágenes con la grafía correspondiente. 5.2.1. Parts of the body: “head”, “trunk” “arms”, “legs”, “hands” “feet”.

5.2.2. Flash cards: parts of the body.
5.2.3. Expression: “Show me your arms.” “Show me your hands.” “Show me your foot.”
5.2.4. Expressions: “This is my face.”, “This is my forehead, “This is my nose.” “These are my eyes.” “This is my mouth.”
5.3. Realiza acciones de acuerdo con la imagen sugerida. 5.3.1. Drawing actions: “Be quite.” “Smile.” “Scream.” “Stop.”
5.3.2. Special symbols: “Handicapped” “Public services.” “Danger”.
5.3.3. Spelling commands: numbers and basic vocabulary studied in class.

Conjunto de sonidos articulados con que el hombre manifiesta lo que piensa o siente (DRAE). Facultad que sirve para establecer comunicación en un entorno social, se le considera como un instrumento del pensamiento para representar, categorizar y comprender la realidad, regular la conducta propia y de alguna manera, influir en los demás.