Qué es cnbGuatemala
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Ministry of Education undertook education reform as a consequence of signing of the peace accords in 1996.
- Included curriculum reform: first competence-based curriculum (known as the National Basic Curriculum —CNB—) was published for the primary level starting 2005.
- Distribution of the curriculum, as many other MOE publications has had a last mile problem:
- Insufficient copies for every school and teacher
- No funds for shipping to schools
- Lack of training for their use
Additionally a problem of usability: even if the curriculum is available, to what degree does it contribute to effective teaching and learning?
- What to teach - the curriculum ✔︎
- How to teach the curriculum - methodology ±
- With what to teach the curriculum - resources ✘
Development of cnbGuatemala
- Began digitizing content in 2011
- Completed curriculum (all levels and curricular areas), October 2012
- Since then, progressive expansion of resources available online.
What is included
- Curriculum – al levels, grades and modalities approved by MOE and for which published material is available
- Orientation modules
- Complementary publications
- Complementary information
- E.g., the school calendar
- Teaching and learning resources aligned with the curriculum
- E.g., Resources for sciences
- E.g., CILEES collection
- Quizzes for self-testing and certification
- Issues open badges for certification
Why does it matter
- It is used by a lot of teachers
- It delivers content just in time, for what the teacher is doing
- Content can grow, aligned to the curriculum and built by users themselves
- E.g., Digeduca resources: Breves para docentes
- USAID funded
- Reading and writing teacher training and guidance resources
- Bilingual intercultural education resources
- User orientation module development and validation
- Teacher trainer orientation
- MOE staff orientation
- Quizzes and certification system
- State Department Alumni Association funded
- Sciences resources collection
- Others
- Population Council Abriendo Oportunidades