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Página creada con «{{Recurso educativo AEIF |Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala; |Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero |Grado=Básico 1er grado |Competencia=4. Writes wor...»
{{Recurso educativo AEIF
|Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala;
|Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
|Grado=Básico 1er grado
|Competencia=4. Writes words and simple phrases and sentences in the new language with the right spelling and grammar structure to be applied in daily life situations.
|Indicador=4.3. Creates simple phrases valuing his own culture and context.
|Saber declarativo=4.3.3. Diary entries related to feelings and occupations: Adverbs of frequency.
|Tipo de licencia=Derechos reservados con copia libre
|Formato=HTML; PDF
|Responsable de curación=Editor;
|Última actualización=2020/09/11
{{Calificación de recurso}}

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<center>'''Suggested time'''</center>

<center>3 periods</center>
=== Introduction ===
Students will communicate feelings, opinions and thoughts; and will begin to get familiar with a phrase that has diverse meanings in daily spoken English

=== Didactic resources ===
* poster with emoticons
* recorded music that can be played by any means
* board
* markers
* pen
* notebook
* sheets of paper
* big sheet of brown paper
* crayons
* English-Spanish/Spanish-English dictionary

=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 1 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Ask students if they use WhatsApp. Do they use emoticons? Ask students to tell the class which are the emoticons they use more and why. (This discussion could either be in their native language or preferably in English).

Going back to emoticons, on the board draw a large circle. Then draw two eyes, ears, nose and a smiley mouth. Do the same facial gesture and say “I'm happy! Happy, happy, happy”. Get students to repeat and do the facial expression.

Then erase the mouth and draw a sad mouth (and maybe a tear under one eye) and teach “sad”. Do the same for the rest of the vocabulary: (hungry, angry, scared, sleepy - use the ''section a.'' emoticons from the student workbook).
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Observe students relating the gesture with the correct word (adjective) to describe it.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Review the vocabulary in ''section a''. Have each pair draw circles on paper or in their notebooks. Then have them in turns draw faces with different emotions for their partners to guess. At the end of the activity invite some students to show the rest of the class their pictures and say what the feeling words are (or get the others to guess).
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Walk among the pairs and check that they are relating gestures and emotions.

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Ask students to face another student and tell the other student if they can remember 3 feelings related to the icons.

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>


=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 2 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo individual}}Observe the memory feeling for two minutes.<ref>''Editor's note: unclear information in the original.</ref>

Play the game as suggested on the memory feeling.
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Verify while the students play the game that they are relating feelings to a particular illustration.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Explain that the verb ‘to feel’ is used as well as ‘to be’ when we describe feelings.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Ask the students to write three sentences about themselves and their friends, using the verbs ‘to be’ or ‘to feel’ and one of the adjectives from the class.

Ask the students to assess their own work.

Draw three columns on the board, and ask students to label each one of them according to the meanings for [[wikt:feel]]. Then ask three students to write an example for each.

'''Do you feel the music?'''

Each student recalls their favorite song and writes on a secret paper what feeling that specific music gives them. Each student will then play/sing their song for a few seconds and the rest of the group will write down on a sheet of paper or in their notebook the feeling they think the music communicates.
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Share your favorite song with the group: your students will be grateful with you for sharing your feelings.

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}At the end, the teacher will collect all the sheets from students and the secrets papers, in order to count them and find out which students have more accurate answers.

Sample record sheet

Name: Song: Feeling: Name: Song: Feeling: Name: Song: Feeling:

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>


=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 3 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Ask the group: How do you feel today? Student should give an answer related to a feeling

Read the paragraph about the questions ''How do you feel? in their workbook, ''activity 8.c''.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en tríos}}Ask students to think about and write one example for each of the meanings or use of the word feel/feeling. They should write it down in their notebooks.
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Verify that students are writing sentences using “to be” and “feel” correctly.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo individual}}After students have finished their work, ask them to do the following activity. For it they will have to leave the room and move to an open space, such as the hall or the courtyard. They should bring their workbook with them and complete ''activity 8.d''.
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Verify that students complete ''activity 8.d''. Clarify questions that students could have about the activity.

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Students should share their experiences with the previous activities.

For the next class instruct the students to bring the name of a song in English, and write the name down on a piece of paper without showing it to anyone. They should think about how the song makes them feel.

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>
Refer to the workbook and check the can-do statements.

{{Título y superior}}
