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Página creada con «{{Recurso educativo AEIF |Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala; |Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero |Grado=Básico 1er grado |Competencia=2. Answers or...»
{{Recurso educativo AEIF
|Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala;
|Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
|Grado=Básico 1er grado
|Competencia=2. Answers orally to simple directions, questions and gives basic information by using specific topics framed at school and family.;
3. Reads aloud and silently: syllables, common words and phrases in English.
|Indicador=2.3. Provides information orally about very specific phrases.;
3.3. Analyzes the meaning of common words and phrases when reading.
|Saber declarativo=2.3.4. Food and drink: There is some, any, how much, many, quantifiers.;
3.3.4. A restaurant menu: questions and vocabulary.
|Tipo de licencia=Derechos reservados con copia libre
|Formato=HTML; PDF
|Responsable de curación=Editor;
|Última actualización=2020/09/11
{{Calificación de recurso}}

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<center>'''Suggested time'''</center>

<center>3 periods</center>
=== Introduction ===
This learning session reviews vocabulary related to food. It also gives opportunities to the students to practice ordering food from a menu in a restaurant. The target pattern is: “Would you like?” — “I’d like...”

=== Didactic resources ===
* board<ref>''Editor's note:'' Resources list is missing in the original.</ref>
* markers
* pen
* notebook
* sheets of paper
* big sheet of brown paper
* English-Spanish/Spanish-English dictionary

=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 1 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en equipo}}Divide the class in groups of four members. Each group is given one food category. For example, fruit for group 1.

Each member of the group has to come up with words related to that category. The words cannot be mispronounced or repeated. If there is a mistake, the other groups that are listening to this first group have to clap and identify what type of mistake has been made.

The teacher then chooses another group and another category of food for the new group.

The exercise is over when all the categories that the teacher has chosen have been covered.

Examples of categories can be: Meats, desserts, diary, and vegetables.
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Walk among the groups observing that the students are playing
the game as instructed.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Show students a picture of a menu. Ask: “¿where do we need a menu?” Wait for a response or prompt: “We need a menu to order food in a restaurant.” Explain that in this period you are going to practice how to order a meal. Students will listen to a dialogue in a restaurant, and write down all the food words they hear. Students should not worry about spelling at this point.

Reads the dialogue with the help of two students (one male and one female). The rest of the class takes notes.
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''Waiter:'' Good evening. Here is the menu.
''Customer 1:''Hello! Thanks. What is the dish of the day?
''Waiter:''Today, the special is tomato soup and fried chicken.
''Customer 2:''Mm! That sounds delicious. What would you like, darling?
''Customer 1:''I do not like soup. I think I’ll have the chicken.
''Waiter:''Would you like any salad with it?
''Customer 1:''Yes, that’d be nice. I’d like lettuce and tomato.
''Waiter:''Sure, Sir. And, for your Ma’am, what would you like to eat?
''Customer 2:''I’ll have the tomato soup, with some bread. And the chicken, too.
''Waiter:''Would you like salad with it?
''Customer 2:''No, thanks.
''Waiter:''Would you like anything to drink?
''Customer 1:''I’ll have water, please.
''Customer 2:''A coke, please.

Now, students listen to the conversation again with the purpose of paying attention to how the customers order the food. Model the examples and have them repeat:
Offering Ordering
Would you like anything to drink? I’ll have water, please. A coke, please.
What would you like to eat? I’ll have the tomato soup. I’d like lettuce and tomato.
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==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Review the expressions used to ask for/order food in a restaurant.

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>


=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 2 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en equipo}}Divide the class into two groups. Each group will brainstorm different kinds of restaurants. (Examples: coffee shop, tea house, steak house, Chinese restaurant, etc). Students can mention restaurants by their names.

Classify restaurants into formal and fast food restaurants using the list of names from places in the students’ town.
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Make sure students classify formal and fast food restaurants.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Ask students to name different types of food found in a restaurant. Write the vocabulary items on the board and make sure students also take notes. Teach the vocabulary items on the menu if they are not included on the board.

Point out the use of “would like” for making offers and requests, and “can I” for making offers. Also make sure they notice the use of different fillers along with different responses. Refer students to ''section a. Grammar Reference for Ordering Food''.

Give students the dialogue and menu, and ask them individually to read through it carefully. Refer students to ''section b. Dialogue Reading “ordering food in a restaurant”''.

Pair students up and ask them to use the ''Grammar Reference'' to complete the mini conversations applying the information from ''section a''.

Still in pairs, ask students to read the Reading ''“Today’s Special”'', answer the questions and compare their answers.
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Verify that students are working on the student workbook sections following your instructions.

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Ask questions on ordering your favorite food in a fast food restaurant, such as McDonald’s or Pollo Campero.

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>


=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 3 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Students ask each other: ¿What is your favorite restaurant? ¿What is your favorite food?
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Motivate students to ask and answer question related to food and restaurants.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Ask students to practice the dialogue ordering food. This time they should change as many things from the conversation as they can. They should read the dialogue first and then try talking without using the workbook, and switch roles a number of times.

Refer students to ''section d. Reading a menu''. Have them check the menu and observe and answer the questions.
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Observe that students compare their answers. Use the menu to invent a conversation about ordering food at the restaurant.

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>
Refer students to the Can Do Statements at the end of the lesson. Discuss with your students the results of the self-evaluation.

{{Título y superior}}
==== Notes ====
<references />
