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Página creada con «{{Recurso educativo AEIF |Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala; |Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero |Grado=Básico 1er grado |Competencia=1. Understand...»
{{Recurso educativo AEIF
|Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala;
|Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
|Grado=Básico 1er grado
|Competencia=1. Understands simple phrases and specific range of vocabulary concerning to known topics in short dialogues and oral sentences.;
3. Reads simple sentences in a given text about his daily life matters.
|Indicador=1.1. Distinguishes the meaning of basic vocabulary concerning to familiar topics.;
3.3. Explains by different ways the meaning of very simple sentences.
|Saber declarativo=1.1.1. Places we visit: New vocabulary.;
1.1.2. Countries and nationalities: Adjectives.;
1.1.3. Routines: Adverbs of frequency.;
1.1.4. Technology, actions, people and popular sports: Vocabulary related.;
3.3.1. Gestures and mimics.
|Tipo de licencia=Derechos reservados con copia libre
|Formato=HTML; PDF
|Responsable de curación=Editor;
|Última actualización=2020/09/11
{{Calificación de recurso}}

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<center>'''Suggested time'''</center>

<center>3 periods</center>
=== Introduction ===
Student recognizes phrases and gestures related to sports that are popular in Guatemala.

=== Didactic resources ===
* Any source of non-copyrighted player images
* Board
* Dictionary
* Famous soccer players pictures,
* Graphic organizer charts
* Graphic organizer charts
* Newspaper or magazine cut outs
* Notebooks
* YouTube

=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 1 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=qué debemos investigar}}Ask students if they have a favorite soccer team. If they don’t, elicit the name of a team they know. Make sure that all students are included.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Have students ask each other the nationalities of the teams and players of their favorite teams. Model complete sentences:
: My favorite soccer team is ______. It is from _____.
: I don’t like soccer, but I like (name of sport).
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Observe that the students are doing the activity. At this point, it is important for them to participate even if they can’t name all the characteristics of their favorite player. If they don’t have a favorite player, have them name the characteristics of a player they know or consider very famous.

Have them list the words they don’t know and have them look them up in a dictionary. Then help them form complete sentences.

Provide patterns on the board.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Present to the class pictures of famous soccer players images from newspapers, magazines, or other sources.

Point to each one and have them tell the name, nationality and if he or she plays well. Try to include players from Guatemala and other countries.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en equipo}}In groups of four (4), they will discuss who the best soccer player is, and what activities they usually do.

Key vocabulary: Training, team work, famous, skillful.
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Observe that the students are trying to comprehend the organizer. Go around the room and make yourself available if they do not understand the difference between the vocabulary presented.

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo individual}}You can use the following rubric
: 1 = student could not perform the task
: 3 = student performance was ok
: 5 = student performance was excellent

NOTE: Support yourself by using Total Physical Response (TPR) when possible and encourage the use of printed or electronic dictionaries when available.
“What did we learn today?” Students should be able to produce simple sentences stating which their favorite sports team is, or to utter vocabulary related to sports names and related terms.

Refer each student to the student book. Ask each student to list famous players they know. Ask each student to make a graphic organizer to compare age and other aspects they would like to.

=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 2 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Activate Prior Knowledge: Divide the class into two groups. Ask each group to list as many sports as they can. Suggested time: 5 minutes. Name a score keeper.

Explain to students that they are going to play pantomimes. Have the two groups form a line or assign a number to each member. From the list they have produced, they must mime one of the sports on the list, and the other team must guess what the sport is. Each turn should not exceed 30 seconds.
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==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}'''TPR activity'''

Materials: balls to play different sports if available. If not, one will do.

Demonstration: Teacher will model while doing the action.
# Throw the ball.
# Catch the ball.
# Kick the ball.
# Hit the ball.
# Bounce the ball.
# Shoot the ball.


Teacher can decide to stay in the class or to go to an open space if available and safe. Practice doing each activity when the teacher calls them.
Then, have students practice in groups of four. Have them repeat the commands, so they start pronouncing the words.

Ask students to go over the vocabulary, practice pronunciation and vocabulary by using the TPR.

For example, “Point to”: “Point to the picture presenting soccer”, “Point to the picture presenting basketball.”
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==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Students can go over the vocabulary and pronunciation one more time. Circulate around the class and observe if the vocabulary is being used.

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>


=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 3 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Start off the lesson watching a video showing different sports. Have students list them.

If you do not have access to video in class, see the video first and then have a dictation in this phase.

Suggested video:<ref>See:</ref>

Ask students to write down the names of the sports the first time they watch the video or to write down the words you dictate. Spell the words if necessary.
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Watch again and have them repeat the names. Have students classify the sports into categories:
* Sports that they are familiar with.
* Sports they did not know.
* Sports that we practice in Guatemala.
* Sports that probably are not practiced in Guatemala.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Have students express what their favorite sports are.

: Teacher (To Student 1): What is your favorite sport?
: Student 1: My favorite sport is, ___________. I also like ___________.
: Student 1: (To Student 2): Hey! What is your favorite sport?
: Student 2: My favorite sport is ___________. I also like ___________.
: (continues)

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo individual}}Direct the students to the vocabulary they have written, have them say it again, checking their pronunciation.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Students should decide which sport they like, and which sport they don’t like. Report to the class.

Student 1: (Name of classmate) likes ___________. (He / She) does not like ___________. Student 2: (Name of classmate) likes ___________. (He / She) does not like ___________.
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==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Ask students to think about the following actions on the rubric.

Can you ask someone what his / her favorite sport is? What is your favorite sport?

Using the reference on writing a sentence, practice writing 5 different sentences using the pattern presented in class.

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>


{{Título y superior}}

==== Notes ====
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