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Página creada con «{{Recurso educativo AEIF |Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala; |Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero |Grado=Básico 3er grado |Competencia=1. Understand...»
{{Recurso educativo AEIF
|Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala;
|Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
|Grado=Básico 3er grado
|Competencia=1. Understands basic sentences in simple and compound tenses.;
2. Expresses ideas and opinions orally, related to relevant topics through simple sentences.;
3. Reads very basic texts concerning to his immediate environment and background.
|Indicador=1.2. Deduces the meaning of basic conversations of known topics.;
1.3. Compares grammar structure of simple and compound tenses.;
2.1. Makes oral presentations about familiar topics and personal experiences.;
3.2. Makes inferences about the meaning of very basic texts.
|Saber declarativo=1.2.4. Bad habits: use of would.;
1.3.2. School regulations: have to, can, and can’t.;
2.1.1. Study and work: obligation, connections, simple and compound sentences.;
3.2.9. Recognizes the moral or main message of a story.
|Tipo de licencia=Derechos reservados con copia libre
|Formato=HTML; PDF
|Responsable de curación=Editor;
|Última actualización=2020/10/07
{{Calificación de recurso}}

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<center>'''Suggested time'''</center>

<center>3 periods</center>
=== Introduction ===
Reading maps is a useful skill. Also, all cities and 1. towns have people who work together with the educational community. The purpose of this unit
is to help students state who the people that have 2. relation with the school are and some reference
points to give directions if necessary

=== Didactic resources ===
* Cardboard
* Recycled sheets of paper
* Markers
* Rulers
* Scissors
* Envelopes
* Google Translate
* Google Earth or Google Maps
* Dictionaries
* Notebooks
* Timers
* Other materials suggested by students

=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 1 ===
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==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=qué debemos saber}}''Generative question:' What school regulations do we live every day in our class?
<div style="clear:both"></div>{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=investiguemos}}Have students research: Who makes the laws and rules in education in Guatemala? What functions does the Ministry of Education have in our country?
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==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Have students visit the [ Ministry of Education portal]<ref>See</ref> and search for the organization's mission and vision. If no internet is available for students to find them, share the following text with students.

Recuadro gris

Somos una institución evolutiva, organizada, eficiente y eficaz, generadora de oportunidades de enseñanza-aprendizaje, orientada a resultados, que aprovecha diligentemente las oportunidades que el siglo XXI le brinda y comprometida con una Guatemala mejor.

Formar ciudadanos con carácter, capaces de aprender por sí mismos, orgullosos de ser guatemaltecos, empeñados en conseguir su desarrollo integral, con principios, valores y convicciones que fundamentan su conducta.
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==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en casa}}Have students ask parents or guardians who was the most famous or exemplary teacher they had, if any. Students should collect anecdotes during the activity if possible.

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>


=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 2 ===
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==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Provide a few minutes for students to compare their answers from homework. They should share with the class the people their parents think are exemplary teachers. Tell them they will use the information in the following period.
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==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en tríos}}Have teams of students decide and write down one or two classroom rules that have helped them learn English.
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Provide feedback regarding the classroom rules you have. Encourage students to be realistic about their application if you see it fit. Nobody knows your students better that you do!

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==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}

<div style="background-color:#E9E5F1; border:solid 1px black; border-radius:8px; padding:8px; clear:left">
<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>


=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 3 ===
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==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}''Generative question:'' Who are exemplary teachers in our school?
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==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en tríos}}Have students elaborate a diploma or a way to distinguish some teachers they may respect and deem esteemed in the school. Allow them to be creative but respectful. Decide if this activity is appropriate for your environment or substitute it with a different one.
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==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}

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<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>
Use a rubric to grade the tokens of appreciation the students prepared for teachers.
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{{Título y superior}}

==== Notes ====
<references />
