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Línea 6: Línea 6:  
4. Produces simple narrations in a written form with an appropriate grammatical structure and accurate spelling on a variety of topics.
4. Produces simple narrations in a written form with an appropriate grammatical structure and accurate spelling on a variety of topics.
|Indicador=3.3. Analyzes the primarily intention of very basic texts.;
|Indicador=3.3. Analyzes the primarily intention of very basic texts.;
4.2. Applies different grammar rules in writings.;
4.2. Applies different grammar rules in writing.;
|Saber declarativo=3.3.4. Reading comprehension: magazine article.;
|Saber declarativo=3.3.4. Reading comprehension: magazine article.;
4.2.2. Description of current trends of different age groups.;
4.2.2. Description of current trends of different age groups.;