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--><div style="display:{{{display|block}}};margin-{{dir|{{pagelang}}|right|left}}:{{{indent|0}}};{{{extrastyle|}}}"><!-- NOTE: width renders incorrectly if added to main STYLE section
--><table class="navbox mw-collapsible {{#if:{{{expand|}}}
|| mw-collapsed
}}" style="margin-top:.2em;background:{{{bg1|transparent}}};border:{{{border|1px}}} solid {{{b-color|silver}}};text-align:{{dir|{{pagelang}}|right|left}};{{#if:{{{width|}}}
| width:{{{width}}}
}}"><tr><th style="font-size:112%;background:{{{bg|#F8FCFF}}};color:{{{fc|black}}};text-align:{{#if:{{{left|}}}
| {{dir|{{pagelang}}|right|left}}
| center
}}">{{{1|{{{title|{{{reason|{{{header|{{{heading|<translate><!--T:1--> Extended content</translate>}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}</th></tr><!--
| <tr><td style="text-align:center;font-style:italic">{{{2|<translate><!--T:2--> The following is a closed debate.</translate> {{Strong
| style = color:red
| 1 = <translate><!--T:3--> Please do not modify it.</translate>
--><tr><td style="font-size:112%;background:{{{bg2|white}}};border:solid {{{border2|1px silver}}};padding:{{{padding|8px}}}"><!--
<div style="width:100%;text-align:center">''<translate><!--T:4--> The following content has been placed in a collapsed box for improved usability.</translate>''</div>
{{Collapse bottom}}
The <tvar|1>{{Tlx|Collapse top}}</> template, and its paired template <tvar|2>{{Tlx|Collapse bottom}}</>, are used for placing a collapse box around a talk page discussion.

== Usage == <!--T:8-->
<translate><!--T:13--> Place <tvar|1>{{Tlx|Collapse top}}</> and <tvar|2>{{Tlx|Collapse bottom}}</> around the text to be collapsed.</translate>
<translate><!--T:14--> For example:</translate>

<syntaxhighlight lang="html5">
{{Collapse top|title=This is the title text}}
Sample contents text
{{Collapse bottom}}


{{Collapse top|title=This is the title text}}
Sample contents text
{{Collapse bottom}}

<tvar|1>{{Tlx|Collapse bottom}}</> should always be placed on its own line.

== Parameters == <!--T:9-->
<translate><!--T:17--> This template takes the following parameters, all of which are optional.</translate>
<translate><!--T:18--> They are case-sensitive.</translate>
<translate><!--T:19--> Those that take CSS measurements require them in CSS format (e.g. <tvar|1><code style="color: #006400">1em</code></> not <tvar|2><code style="color:#8B0000">1&nbsp;em</code></>).</translate>

; {{Para|1}} <span style="font-weight:normal"><translate><!--T:20--> (or first unnamed parameter)</translate></span>, {{Para|title}}, {{Para|reason}}, {{Para|header}}, {{Para|heading}}
: <translate><!--T:21--> Will give the collapsed box a title, which occurs on the same line as the ''show'' link and is always visible.</translate> <translate><!--T:22--> It defaults to "Extended content".</translate>
: <translate><!--T:23--> For example, <tvar|1><code><nowiki>{{Collapse top|title=This is the title text}}</nowiki></code></> or <tvar|2><code><nowiki>{{Collapse top|This is the title text}}</nowiki></code></>.</translate> <translate><!--T:24--> Note: The shorter, unnamed markup will not work if the title value contain an equals (<tvar|1><code>=</code></>) character.</translate>
; {{Para|warning|yes}}
: <translate><!--T:25--> Will display a default warning line under the main title which reads "The following is a closed debate.</translate> <translate><!--T:26--> {{<tvar|1>Strong|style=color:red</>|Please do not modify it.}}"</translate>
: <translate><!--T:27--> Any non-empty value supplied to this parameter will have this effect (i.e. <tvar|1>{{Para|warning|<span style="color:red">no</span>}}</> will not work as expected).</translate>
; {{Para|2}} <span style="font-weight:normal"><translate><!--T:28--> (or second unnamed parameter)</translate></span>
: <translate><!--T:29--> This is optional warning-line text.</translate> <translate><!--T:30--> It will override the standard warning line above; it is not necessary to also use <tvar|1>{{Para|warning|yes}}</> in this case, though doing so is harmless.</translate>
; {{Para|left|yes}}
: <translate><!--T:31--> Will align the title along the left margin (in RTL languages, along the right margin instead).</translate>
: <translate><!--T:32--> By default, text is centered, specifically between the left edge of the green box and the left edge of the "show" link.</translate>
: <translate><!--T:33--> Any non-empty value supplied to this parameter will have this effect (i.e. <tvar|1>{{Para|left|<span style="color:#8B0000">no</span>}}</> will not work as expected).</translate>
; {{Para|expand|yes}}
: <translate><!--T:34--> Will leave the material uncollapsed with the border and coloring.</translate> <translate><!--T:35--> Default is to collapse the material.</translate>
: <translate><!--T:36--> Any non-empty value supplied to this parameter will have this effect (i.e. <tvar|1>{{Para|expand|<span style="color:#8B0000">no</span>}}</> will not work as expected).</translate>
; {{Para|bg}}
: <translate><!--T:37--> Sets the background color of the title of the collapsible bar.</translate> <translate><!--T:38--> Defaults to "<tvar|1>#F8FCFF</>", a whitish color.</translate> <translate><!--T:39--> Named colors are listed at [[List of colors]].</translate>
: <translate><!--T:40--> For example, <tvar|1><code><nowiki>{{Collapse top|This is the title text|bg=#008000}}</nowiki></code></> or <tvar|2><code><nowiki>{{Collapse top|This is the title text|bg=green}}</nowiki></code></> (numeric HTML color codes require the leading <tvar|H><code>#</code></>).</translate>
; {{Para|fc}}
: <translate><!--T:41--> Sets the font color of the title of the collapsible bar.</translate> <translate><!--T:42--> Defaults to "<tvar|1>black</>".</translate>
: <translate><!--T:43--> See <tvar|bg>{{Para|bg}}</>, above, for details on color options.</translate>
; {{Para|border}}
: <translate><!--T:44--> Sets the width of the border line on the collapsed material.</translate> <translate><!--T:45--> Defaults to <tvar|1><code>1px</code></>.</translate>
: <translate><!--T:46--> For example, <tvar|1><code><nowiki>{{Collapse top|border=2px}}</nowiki></code></>; going much thicker than this is not very useful.</translate>
; {{Para|b-color}}
: <translate><!--T:47--> Sets the border color.</translate> <translate><!--T:48--> Defaults to <tvar|1><code>silver</code></> (<tvar|2><code>#C0C0C0</code></>).</translate>
: <translate><!--T:49--> See <tvar|bg>{{Para|bg}}</>, above, for details on color options.</translate>
; {{Para|padding}}
: <translate><!--T:50--> Sets the padding (distance from borders) on the collapsed material inside the colored area.</translate> <translate><!--T:51--> Defaults to <tvar|1><code>8px</code></>.</translate>
; {{Para|width}}
: <translate><!--T:52--> Sets the width of the overall template relative to the page (or a block element containing the collapse box).</translate> <translate><!--T:53--> This should virtually always be given as a percentage, e.g. <tvar|1>{{Para|width|50%}}</>, or in relative <tvar|2><code>em</code></> units, e.g. <tvar|3>{{Para|width|30em}}</>.</translate> <translate><!--T:54--> Pixel-based values should be avoided, as they are effectively meaningless – the result will be different depending on each user's browser and local CSS settings (which browser and operating system it is, zoom level, font sizes, etc.).</translate>
; {{Para|border2}}
: <translate><!--T:55--> Sets the properties of the border of the box that appears when template is expanded.</translate> <translate><!--T:56--> Defaults to <tvar|1><code>1px silver</code></> (there is no provision to change from a solid line).</translate>
: <translate><!--T:57--> For example, <tvar|1><code><nowiki>{{Collapse top|border2=2px}}</nowiki></code></> (only width or color will be changed if only one value is supplied).</translate>
: <translate><!--T:58--> See <tvar|bg>{{Para|bg}}</>, above, for details on color options.</translate>
; {{Para|bg2}}
: <translate><!--T:59--> Sets the background color of the box that appears when template is expanded; defaults to <tvar|1><code>white</code></> (<tvar|2><code>#FFF</code></>).</translate>
: <translate><!--T:60--> See <tvar|bg>{{Para|bg}}</>, above, for details on color options.</translate>
; {{Para|indent}}
: <translate><!--T:61--> Indents the box from the left of the page.</translate> <translate><!--T:62--> Defaults to no indentation.</translate> <translate><!--T:63--> Each <tvar|1><code>:</code></> in talk page markup is approximately equivalent to <tvar|2><code>1.6em</code></> of indent (e.g., to match <tvar|3><code>::::</code></> indentation level, use <tvar|4>{{Para|indent|6.4em}}</>).</translate> <translate><!--T:64--> You can also use a percentage value.</translate>
: <translate><!--T:65--> Pixel-based values should be avoided (see <tvar|1>{{Para|width}}</>, above, for the reason).</translate>

== Examples == <!--T:10-->
* <translate><!--T:66--> Adding a box title (if omitted, default is "Extended content")</translate> – <syntaxhighlight lang="html5" inline>{{Collapse top|This is the title text}}</syntaxhighlight>

{{Collapse top|This is the title text}}
{{Lorem ipsum}}
{{Collapse bottom}}

* <translate><!--T:67--> Adding a standard warning line</translate> – <syntaxhighlight lang="html5" inline>{{Collapse top|This is the title text|warning=true}}</syntaxhighlight>

{{Collapse top|This is the title text|warning=true}}
{{Lorem ipsum}}
{{Collapse bottom}}

* <translate><!--T:68--> Adding a custom warning line</translate> – <syntaxhighlight lang="html5" inline>{{Collapse top|This is the title text|This is a custom warning line}}</syntaxhighlight>

{{Collapse top|This is the title text|This is a custom warning line}}
{{Lorem ipsum}}
{{Collapse bottom}}

* <translate><!--T:69--> Aligning box title along left margin</translate> – <syntaxhighlight lang="html5" inline>{{Collapse top|left=true}}</syntaxhighlight>

{{Collapse top|left=true}}
{{Lorem ipsum}}
{{Collapse bottom}}

* <translate><!--T:70--> Changing background color</translate> – <syntaxhighlight lang="html5" inline>{{Collapse top|bg=#F0F2F5}}</syntaxhighlight>

{{Collapse top|bg=#F0F2F5}}
{{Lorem ipsum}}
{{Collapse bottom}}

* <translate><!--T:71--> Adding extra padding</translate> – <syntaxhighlight lang="html5" inline>{{Collapse top|padding=5em}}</syntaxhighlight>

{{Collapse top|padding=5em}}
{{Lorem ipsum}}
{{Collapse bottom}}

* <translate><!--T:72--> Archiving a section</translate> – <translate><!--T:73--> The markup below:</translate>

<syntaxhighlight lang="html5">{{Collapse top}}
== Section header ==
Sample contents text
{{Collapse bottom}}</syntaxhighlight>

must be rewritten as:

<syntaxhighlight lang="html5">{{Collapse top|Section header}}
Sample contents text
{{Collapse bottom}}</syntaxhighlight>

The end result:

{{Collapse top|Section header}}
Sample contents text
{{Collapse bottom}}

== TemplateData == <!--T:76-->
{{Collapse top/doc}}

== See also == <!--T:11-->
* {{Tl|Collapse bottom}}
* {{Tl|Hidden archive top}} and {{Tl|Hidden archive bottom}}
* {{Tl|Hidden begin}} and {{Tl|Hidden end}}
* {{Tl|Hidden}}}

[[Category:Formatting templates{{#translation:}}]]
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