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Página creada con «{{Título malla subárea CC}} __NOTOC__ == Competencia 1 == {| class="wikitable" width="90%" style="margin:1em auto 1em auto" |-valign="top" ! style="width:25%; background-...»
{{Título malla subárea CC}}
== Competencia 1 ==
{| class="wikitable" width="90%" style="margin:1em auto 1em auto"
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Competencias
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Indicadores de Logros
! style="width:40%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Contenidos
! style="width:10%; background-color:#a8dcff;" colspan="4"| Temas

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| rowspan="7"|1. Escucha activamente instrucciones básicas de su interlocutor.
| rowspan="2"|1.1. Reconoce el cambio de expresiones de un idioma a otro.
| 1.1.1. Greetings and introductions:” Hi, I am your teacher.”
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| 1.1.2. Greetings: “Hello. My name is .” “What is your name?” “Nice to meet you.”
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| rowspan="2"|1.2. Sigue instrucciones con un evento
| 1.2.1. Basic commands: “Stand up.”, “Sit down.”, “ Raise your hand.”, “Put your hand down.”, “Raise two hands.”, “Put one hand down.”, “Put the other hand down.”
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| 1.2.2. Modeling the performance expected: “Stand up.”, “Sit down.” (Give instruction to the entire class.)
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| rowspan="3"|1.3. Realiza la acción de acuerdo con la orden recibida.
| 1.3.1. “Stand up.”, “Sit down.” (Repeat, varying the order of instructions.)
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| 1.3.2. Act out the instructions: “Raise two hands.”, “Put one hand down.”, “Put the other hand down.” (Call on individual volunteers.)
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| 1.3.3. Formas de decir el tiempo ( What time is it? It is ten o'clock)
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== Competencia 2 ==

{{Volver a subárea CC}}

{| class="wikitable" width="90%" style="margin:1em auto 1em auto"
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Competencias
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Indicadores de Logros
! style="width:40%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Contenidos
! style="width:10%; background-color:#a8dcff;" colspan="4"| Temas

! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|1
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|2
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|3
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|4

| rowspan="7"|2. Identifica sonidos diferentes al de su idioma en su relación familiar.
| rowspan="3"|2.1. Reconoce los diferentes sonidos relacionados con las órdenes recibidas.
| 2.1.1. The letters of the alphabet.
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| 2.1.2. Repeat the letters by sound: a (ei), b (bi), c (ci), d (di)… (Get the class to form groups and to imitate.
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| 2.1.3. Point the letters in random order and get the learners to repeat them.
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| rowspan="4"|2.2. Infiere el significado de las órdenes recibidas
| 2.2.1. Review the first set of commands: “Stand up.” ,”Sit down.” , “Raise your hand.”, “Put your hand down.” , “Raise two hands.” , “Put one hand down.”, “Put the other hand down.” (Allow the most able students to model the actions.)
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| 2.2.2. Relationship between action and meaning: “Open your book.”, “Close your book.” , “Open your hands.”, “Close your hands.”, “Close your eyes.”, “Open your eyes.”
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| 2.2.3. Relationship between actions and sound: “Raise your book.”, “Put your book down.”, “Open your mouth.”, “Close your mouth.”
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| 2.2.4. Performance of actions according to commands sound: “Close your book.”, “Close your hands.”, “Close your eyes.”
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== Competencia 3 ==

{{Volver a subárea CC}}

{| class="wikitable" width="90%" style="margin:1em auto 1em auto"
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Competencias
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Indicadores de Logros
! style="width:40%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Contenidos
! style="width:10%; background-color:#a8dcff;" colspan="4"| Temas

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! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|2
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|3
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|4

| rowspan="6"|3. Pronuncia correctamente órdenes básicas de uso cotidiano al dirigirse a otras personas.
| rowspan="2"|3.1. Pronuncia adecuadamente la orden en proceso de realización.
| 3.1.1. Commands: touch / put + ears/ penci / chair / table / boy / girl: ”Touch your ears.”, “Touch a desk.”, “Put your hands down.”
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| 3.1.2. “Touch your eyes.”, “Touch your nose.”, “Touch your mouth.”, “Touch your ears.”, “Touch your book.” (Get the class to repeat the commands.)
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| rowspan="2"|3.2. Reconoce la acentuación de las vocales y pronunciación de las consonantes en las órdenes recibidas.
| 3.2.1. Commands to point vowels and consonants' strength including classroom objects. (Get the class to repeat them.)
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| 3.2.2. Pronunciation of pair of words: “Map - flag”, “eye - I”, “go - no”.
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| rowspan="2"|3.3. Asocia la pronunciación de las órdenes recibidas con la de otras similares.
| 3.3.1. Practice the stress pattern in commands: “Go to the door.”, “Touch the door.”, “Open the door.”, “Close the door.”, “Girls go to the door.”, “Boys go to the window.”
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| 3.3.2. Name of objects in the class. (Point them out and have students pronounce the name.)
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== Competencia 4 ==

{{Volver a subárea CC}}

{| class="wikitable" width="90%" style="margin:1em auto 1em auto"
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Competencias
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Indicadores de Logros
! style="width:40%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Contenidos
! style="width:10%; background-color:#a8dcff;" colspan="4"| Temas

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! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|2
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|3
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|4

| rowspan="6"|4. Utiliza el lenguaje verbal y no verbal como auxiliar de la comunicación.
| rowspan="4"|4.1. Sigue instrucciones orales básicas.
| 4.1.1. Numbers one to ten. (Practice saying them with the learners.
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| 4.1.2. Numbers in order. (Count objects in the class)
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| 4.1.3. Common mimics used in class: “listen”, “repeat”, “speak”.
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| 4.1.4. Greetings and leave takings: “Good morning.”, “Good bye.”
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| rowspan="2"|4.2. Infiere el significado de los movimientos corporales en la realización.
| 4.2.1. Model actions: “walk”, “stop”, “jump”.
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| 4.2.2. Facial expressions: “happy”, “sad”, “angry”, “worried”.
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== Competencia 5 ==

{{Volver a subárea CC}}

{| class="wikitable" width="90%" style="margin:1em auto 1em auto"
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Competencias
! style="width:25%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Indicadores de Logros
! style="width:40%; background-color:#a8dcff;" rowspan="2"| Contenidos
! style="width:10%; background-color:#a8dcff;" colspan="4"| Temas

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! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|2
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|3
! style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|4

| rowspan="4"|5. Utiliza la lectura para responder a órdenes básicas recibidas.
| rowspan="2"|5.1. Identifica órdenes expresadas de manera gráfica.
| 5.1.1. Common signs in class and school: “exit”, “quiet”, “restroom”.
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| 5.1.2. Common signs outside the classroom: “Danger”, “Bus stop”, “No parking.”, “Don't smoke.”
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| rowspan="2"|4.2. Reconoce la grafía de la orden objeto de aprendizaje.
| 5.2.1. Spelling of commands: “Touch the table.”, “Raise your eyebrows.”
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| 5.2.2. Spelling pair of words: “Map - flag”, “eye - I”, “go - no”
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[[Categoría:Primaria]][[Categoría:Comunicación y Lenguaje]]
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