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<center><small>[[CNB Ciclo Básico/Perfil de egreso|Español]] | [[CNB Ciclo Básico/Perfil de egreso (inglés)|Inglés (versión Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero)]]</small></center>

The profile of the student who graduates from the Ciclo Básico, groups cognitive, attitudinal and procedural skills and abilities that students must possess when graduate from the Ciclo Básico in the fields of knowing, being, doing, living together and undertaking in the different contexts in which they perform. These skills and abilities are grouped as follows.
# Practices values in his or her individual, family and community environments, within the framework of human rights to promote a culture of peace, equity and inclusion.
#* Conducts his behavior based on a harmonious coexistence. This is necessary for his fulfilment as a person in his different environments; additionally, in order to perform with principles of justice and promoting collective participation.
# Practices skills of logical, scientific, reflexive, critical, propositive, creative thinking, oriented to the common good in daily life.
#* Practices thinking skills of high cognitive level that allow him to reflect, make critical judgments, think in a scientific way, propose, build new learning and solve creatively everyday situations, oriented to the common good.
# Communicates effectively and assertively in distinct languages, valuing them as an important element of culture
#* Communicates in orally and written form with assertiveness and efficiency. They also express themselves in a foreign language, valuing all the elements of culture. Applies different verbal and non-verbal prompts to communicate in different contexts and with different purposes.
# Acts with dignity, and individual, community and collective identity, expressing pride of being Guatemalan.
#* Relates and objects - based on facts - the social, cultural and historical processes of Guatemala and the world, in order to understand and value his reality and contributing to feel part of the Guatemalan social construct and striving for it.
# Applies diverse technologies and knowledge in entrepreneurship projects, based on principles of sustainable development, in various domains (school and community).
#* Applies technologies and knowledge, using them in projects that favor entrepreneurship for sustainable development, in various domains such as school and community.
# Values various, natural and cultural, artistic manifestations and expresses through them.
#* Values artistic expressions with national identity to motivate individual and collective creativity. In addition, he develops artistic sensitivity as a means of expressing his emotions through art and its connection with other areas of learning.
# Uses in a responsible manner, the socio-environmental goods and services for the conservation and improvement of the environment.
#* Assumes behaviors that demonstrate the recognition that natural resources are constituted as goods and services linked to the social and environmental setting that can be burnt out and, therefore, must be used in a rational manner, seeking their rescue, conservation and at the same time contributing for future generations to have the opportunity to meet their own needs in harmony with the environment.
# Takes care of his health through the practice of physical exercise, sport, health and safety standards.
#* Assumes a healthy lifestyle and pleasantly, performing sports and recreational physical activities that contribute to the understanding of a social, mental, emotional and physical well-being. In this way he can interact socially with respect, highlighting sociomotor skills such as strategic thinking, teamwork and inclusiveness, among others.
# Acts autonomously when making responsible decisions, based on knowledge, principles and values.
#* Acts with autonomy when making responsible decisions considering the individual, collective and environmental imp
# Dialogues to achieve consensus and the assertive management of conflicts.
#* Is interested in knowing his emotional functioning to reach an emotional intelligence, to become as a human being respectful of diversity and social and legal standards to continue growing as a person. In addition, through dialogue he improves his interpersonal relationships.

[[Categoría:Comunicación y Lenguaje L 3]]