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American English Videos/Pronunciation Practice/3. Informal Contractions
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Autor American English at State
Área Comunicación y Lenguaje L 3, Inglés
Tipo de licencia Estándar de YouTube
Formato Vídeo
Responsable de curación Editor
Última actualización 2016/05/02
Localización https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX9cNSisW8s

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0:07 Hello. I'm Sammy
0:08 and this is part two of the connected speech series.
0:13 Connected speech is used when you're speaking quickly and casually
0:17 and it can help your American English sound more natural.
0:22 Today, we'll be discussing informal contractions.
0:27 Can you hear the differences between the formal and casual sentences below?
0:33 Formal
0:35 I'm going to eat cake.
0:37 Casual
0:39 I'm gonna eat cake.
0:42 Do you want to go?
0:45 Do you wanna go?
0:47 I have to do homework.
0:51 I hafta do homework.
0:53 In the following story, pay attention to the underlined words
0:58 and see if you can hear the informal contractions.
1:03 I wanna surprise my sister for her birthday.
1:07 So I've gotta buy her a present.
1:11 I'm gonna hafta go to the mall.
1:15 I coulda gotten her a dog, but she already has a cat.
1:20 I woulda bought her a car, but it's too expensive.
1:25 Instead, I am gonna make her a big birthday cake.
1:30 Phrases like "gonna," "wanna," "hafta" are called informal contractions.
1:36 They are often used in casual spoken American English
1:41 but not in written English.
1:43 They are formed by combining words to shorten them
1:47 from their original form.
1:49 Practicing these can help you sound more natural
1:52 and become better at understanding fast casual speech.
1:57 Here are some examples of informal contractions with "to."
2:03 "Going to" becomes "gonna."
2:06 "want to" "wanna"
2:09 "have to" "hafta"
2:12 "got to" "gotta"
2:14 "ought to" "oughtta"
2:17 There are also examples with modal verbs plus "have."
2:22 such as "should have" becoming "shoulda"
2:28 "would have" "woulda"
2:30 "could have" "coulda"
2:32 "might have" "mighta"
2:36 Let's practice.
2:37 In the following story, try to pronounce the underlined phrases
2:42 using informal contractions.
2:45 Press pause at each page to practice at your own pace.
3:15 I wanna surprise my sister for her birthday, so I've gotta buy her a present.
3:22 I'm gonna hafta go to the mall.
3:25 I coulda gotten her a dog, but she already has a cat.
3:30 I woulda bought her a car, but it's too expensive.
3:35 Instead, I'm gonna make her a big birthday cake.
3:43 Next time, we'll discuss linking
3:45 in part three of the connected speech series.
3:50 This is American English. Thanks for watching.

For more information, visit: http://www.americanenglish.state.gov/.