Malla curricular Tercer grado

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Revisión del 17:57 4 ene 2019

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Casi la mitad de los usuarios de consultan el currículo desde su celular. Las tablas curriculares con 3 columnas son difíciles de usar en una pantalla pequeña. Por ello, a partir de esta versión hemos comenzado a presentar el contenido en formato vertical. Bajo el título de cada competencia encontrarás enumerados los indicadores respectivos. Selecciona el texto [expandir] a la derecha de cada indicador para consultar los contenidos (saberes) sugeridos para dicho indicador. Aunque el formato es distinto, el contenido es idéntico al de la versión en PDF y en papel. Puedes comunicarte con nosotros seleccionando este vínculo por cualquier duda o pregunta.

Selecciona aquí para consultar la versión antigua de la malla curricular de 1er grado del ciclo Básico.

Competence 1. Understands basic sentences in simple and compound tenses.[editar | editar código]

Indicator 1.1. Responds to sequence main ideas or events given at classroom.
Content 1.1.1. A folk tale: Surprise expressions.
Content 1.1.2. Word formation for a sentence.
Content 1.1.3. Latest TV or radio news: Usage of speak, talk and say.
Content 1.1.4. Explanation of an injury or pain helping himself: use of adverbs.
Content 1.1.5. Emergency situations: Suggestions and Recommendations.
Content 1.1.6. Taking care of our: health: Asks for advice
>> Go to the assessment criteria for this indicator
Indicator 1.2. Deduces the meaning of basic conversations of known topics.
Content 1.2.1. Good and bad news.
Content 1.2.2. Natural disasters: Adjectives to describe feelings related to memory.
Content 1.2.3. Lifestyles: modal Auxiliaries.
Content 1.2.4. Bad habits: use of would.
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Indicator 1.3. Compares grammar structure of simple and compound tenses.
Content 1.3.1. Tense review: past, present or future.
Content 1.3.2. School regulations: have to, can, and can’t.
Content 1.3.3. Inventions and discoveries from the past: past tense for complete actions and present perfect for incomplete actions.
Content 1.3.4. Revisions of past participles of irregular verbs.
Content 1.3.5. Gives advice using imperatives and will and might to describe possibility.
Content 1.3.6. Personal preferences: Recognizes verbs which take infinitives and/ or gerunds.
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Competence 2. Expresses ideas and opinions orally, related to relevant topics through simple sentences.[editar | editar código]

Indicator 2.1. Makes oral presentations about familiar topics and personal experiences.
Content 2.1.1. Study and work: obligation, connections, simple and compound sentences.
Content 2.1.2. Talks about collecting things.
Content 2.1.3. Likes and dislikes: like, prefer, rather.
Content 2.1.4. Description about how people spends time: present perfect continuous.
Content 2.1.5. Exercises, fitness and ways on how to relax.
Content 2.1.6. Hypothetical actions such.
Content 2.1.7. Reports about what someone said.
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Indicator 2.2. Asks and answers basic questions about different topics using compound tenses.
Content 2.2.1. Prices: usage of how much and past perfect tense.
Content 2.2.2. Dialogues: short answers to questions.
Content 2.2.3. Offers and responds to them.
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Indicator 2.3. Shares information about different topics in several contexts.
Content 2.3.1. Reports of situations considered lucky or unlucky.
Content 2.3.2. Relevant experiences in the past: the speech.
Content 2.3.3. How to give excuses.
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Competence 3. Reads very basic texts concerning to his immediate environment and background.[editar | editar código]

Indicator 3.1. Finds specific information in short and everyday readings.
Content 3.1.1. Sport descriptions for playing or for practicing a hobby.
Content 3.1.2. Order of events in a story: connectors.
Content 3.1.3. Word recognition within a text that expresses reference in a text.
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Indicator 3.2. Makes inferences about the meaning of very basic texts.
Content 3.2.1. Main idea in a technical text.
Content 3.2.2. Extraction of facts from news or a story.
Content 3.2.3. Meaning of new words from the context.
Content 3.2.4. Extraction facts from a short article.
Content 3.2.5. Indicates the main idea of selected paragraphs.
Content 3.2.6. Selects the mains points of the description of a problem.
Content 3.2.7. Understands the order of events in a narrative story.
Content 3.2.8. Predicts what is going to happen in a story.
Content 3.2.9. Recognizes the moral or main message of a story.
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Indicator 3.3. Analyzes the primarily intention of very basic texts.
Content 3.3.1. Recognition of main points in a report.
Content 3.3.2. Identifies the main points of a selected news story
Content 3.3.3. Instructions and explanations: Verbs and tenses.
Content 3.3.4. Reading comprehension: magazine article.
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Competence 4. Produces simple narrations in a written form with an appropriate grammatical structure and accurate spelling on a variety of topics.[editar | editar código]

Indicator 4.1. Writes narrations about different topics of his context.
Content 4.1.1. Written narration: true sentences (Topic Family and relationship).
Content 4.1.2. Anecdote about his family and relationships.
Content 4.1.3. Narration or description of his accomplishments: present perfect tense.
Content 4.1.4. Writes a brochure giving information about a specific topic.
Content 4.1.5. Writes about a process related to work or study.
Content 4.1.6. Writes a short biography.
Content 4.1.7. Reports a conversation.
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Indicator 4.2. Applies different grammar rules in his writings.
Content 4.2.1. Short article or essay about the clothes people wear: Clothes.
Content 4.2.2. Description of current trends of different age groups.
Content 4.2.3. Advices for traveling to a region of Guatemala.
Content 4.2.4. Plans for the near future: review of tenses.
Content 4.2.5. Narration/travel article about an imaginary trip.
Content 4.2.6. Usage of sequencers in a narrative story.
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Indicator 4.3. Creates his own narrations taking in account an accurate spelling.
Content 4.3.1. Emails or notes advising on how to reorganize his room (My home, my house).
Content 4.3.2. Description of a sports injury that you or one of your loved ones had.
Content 4.3.3. Hobby: written description.
Content 4.3.4. Description an enjoyable journey.
>> Go to the assessment criteria for this indicator

Conjunto de experiencias, planificadas o no, que tienen lugar en los centros educativos como posibilidad de aprendizaje del alumnado. Una perspectiva tradicional acentúa el carácter de plan (con elementos como objetivos, contenidos, metodología y evaluación), frente a un enfoque práctico que destaca las experiencias vividas en el proceso educativo.