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== Introduction ==
== Background ==
CNBGuatemala is a wiki-based website offering the full content of the Guatemalan National Basic Curriculum and a variety of teacher professional development resources, teacher tools and open educational resources aligned with the curriculum.
+ is a wiki-based website offering the full content of the Guatemalan National Basic Curriculum, open educational resources aligned with it and a variety of teacher professional development resources and teacher tools. By placing this content online and linking items to each other we aim to make it easy for educators to find the relevant parts of the curriculum when engaged in educational planning, but also to access resources that help them teach that curriculum effectively and develop as successful teachers.
A wiki is a specific type of website. Unlike many websites that can only be read by users, wikis can be edited by a community of users: they invite users to be producers of content, not just consumers of content. The best known wiki is Wikipedia. CNBGuatemala is built with the same technology as Wikipedia, known as Mediawiki. This is open software which has both open licencing and open coding. Open licensing means that it can be downloaded and deployed without other limitations than giving credit to those who created and modified it previously. Open coding means that any user can access and modify the source code of the programs.
Educators value this. Since its inception in 2012, the number of users for the website has expanded annually. In 2019 the website was visited by an average of 140,000 individual users each month, mainly teachers in Guatemala. With the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing shutdown visitors increased to over 200,000 individual users each month, and international users (mostly from countries in Latin America) increased from under 25% to over 50% of all visitors. To put this in context, in August 2020 received around 223,350 individual visitors. This is equivalent to 30% of the [ traffic visiting the official education portal] in the country for the same period.
[[Unique visitors cnbGuatemala, January-August 2019 and 2020.png|center|Website traffic for January-August 2019 and 2020. Source: Google Analytics]]
 + helps reduce the digital divide. The website is built on [[wikipedia-en:Mediawiki|Mediawiki]] and as such is committed to openness. Users may choose to log in, but they do not need to do so to access any of our contents. And because Mediawiki is constantly developing thanks to a community of programmers that improve its desktop and mobile interfaces, we can focus at relatively low cost on expanding content and improving its educational value. This means a growing proportion of users —mostly educators— find it easy to access and use the curriculum and other contents, wherever they are, whatever their need may be, and based on any technological platform.
 + has been maintained since 2012 with private voluntary contributions in work and funding, and occasional grants from international cooperation agencies. In 2015 a group of educators and international development specialists from Guatemala, the United States and other countries established in Washington D.C. ''[http://online-learning-initiative Online Learning Initiative, Inc. (OLI)]'' a nonprofit organizations to seek support and governance for the website and promote the adoption of similar solutions in other countries. OLI is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt entity registered with the United States Internal Revenue Service.
== This website is a wiki ==
A wiki is a specific type of website. Unlike many websites that can only be read by users, wikis can be edited by a community of users: they invite users to produce content, not just consume content. The best known wiki is Wikipedia. is built with the same technology as Wikipedia, known as Mediawiki. This is open software which has both open licencing and open coding. Open licensing means that it can be downloaded and deployed without other limitations than giving credit to those who created and modified it previously. Open coding means that any user can access and modify the source code of the programs.
Education is a shared endeavor. Teachers routinely learn from each other and support each other with best practices and educational resources. So far the main contributors of content to the website have been institutional, most notably the [ Guatemalan Ministry of Education's Directorate General for Educational Assessment and Research (DIGEDUCA)], and nonprofit organizations committed to developing open educational resources. However, we believe thinking of the curriculum as a platform for educators to share aligned resources will expand the possibilities for more effective teaching and learning.
We trust this introductory tour to CNBGuatemala will help you appreciate why a wiki-based curriculum website is not just a nice idea, but also a useful one. The tour is designed specifically for the desktop version of the website. Most of the images in this tour are linked to the relevant parts of the website, so you may click on them to see the original of each example.
We trust this introductory tour to CNBGuatemala will help you appreciate why a wiki-based curriculum website is not just a nice idea, but also a useful one. The tour is designed specifically for the desktop version of the website. Most of the images in this tour are linked to the relevant parts of the website, so you may click on them to see the original of each example.