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Competencia Indicador de logro Saberes
1. Responds to basic oral instructions given in English at school. 1.1. Distinguishes the meaning of words and phrases related to daily school life. 1.1.1. Phrases and gestures to greet, introduce and say


1.1.2. Classroom objects.
1.1.3. Useful classroom commands followed through Total Physical Response
1.2. Understands specific phrases related to daily activities at school. 1.2.1. New sounds in English. Word and word content

recognition related to numbers, time, spelling.

1.2.2. Auxiliary verbs with simple present tense on every

day activities hobbies, habits

1.2.3. Useful phrases to describe friends and family


What is bullying?

1.3. Follows common directions given by the teacher. 1.3.1. Commands through total physical response (TPR).
1.3.2. Instructions, orders, commands and requests

given in class using imperatives.

1.3.3. Warnings in case of emergencies.
2. Answers orally to simple directions, questions and gives basic information by using specific phrases framed at school. 2.1. Begins to use polite social language and basic vocabulary appropriately. 2.1.1. Wh-question
2.1.2. Present tense to describe yourself and family

members .

2.1.3. Questions and answers to initiate and continue a

conversation: Simple Present and Present continuous.

2.2 Asks and answers basic questions about needed information. 2.2.1. Daily routines
2.2.2. Days of the week. Family members.
2.2.3. Months of the year. Places and addresses.
2.3. Provides information about very specific topics. 2.3.1. The alphabet., spelling and spelling bee competitions.
2.3.2. Adjectives and feelings.
2.3.3. Colors and articles of clothing.
2.3.4. Food and drink.
2.3.5. Prices and products.
2.3.6 Cooking and recipes.
2.3.7. Immediate and future plans.
2.3.8 Travel and accommodations.
2.3.9. Invitations.
2.3.10. Entertainment.
3. Reads aloud and silently: syllables, common words and phrases in English. 3.1. Pronounces common words and phrases. 3.1.1. Execution of simple instructions.
3.1.2. Reading comprehension of simple sentences and

personal information.

3.1.3. Description of a person and his likes and


3.1.4. Readings and extraction of information from a

chat dialogue.

3.2. Understands the meaning of common words and phrases in his readings. 3.2.1. Reading of descriptions of a daily routine: verbs/daily


3.2.2. Description of places, homes, neighborhoods,

towns that appear in his readings, using Nouns.

3.2.3. Simple information questions: Wh-questions.
3.2.4. Information on brochures and catalogs.
3.3. Analyzes the meaning of common words and phrases. 3.3.1. The essential information in short stories,

paragraphs and articles.

3.3.2. Main ideas and details.
3.3.3. Localization of information on a poster or info graphic.
3.3.4. A restaurant menu.
3.3.5. Usage of a dictionary to locate the meaning of

unknown words.

4. Writes words and simple phrases and sentences in the new language with the right spelling and grammar structure. 4.1 Writes words with accurate spelling. 4.1.1. Short simple sentences.
4.1.2. Short email giving personal information, describing


4.1.3. Connection of ideas using and, but and because.
4.2 Writes phrases with the right grammar structure. 4.2.1. Descriptions: I, my classroom and my


4.2.2. Usage of sequencing and time expressions related

to cultural practices of English-speaking countries.

4.2.3. Redaction of an email giving directions to places

around your city.

4.3. Creates phrases related to his own context. 4.3.1. Description and explanation of who people

are in a photo.

4.3.2. A simple recipe or a process to do something.
4.3.3. Diary entries related to feelings, and occupations.
4.3.4. Recommendation about a hotel, restaurant or form of


4.3.5. Note or email with suggestions for an event.