Session 17, Primer Grado – Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero

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Guías metodológicas para el docente de Ciclo Básico/Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero/Primer Grado/Session 17
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Autor Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala
Área Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
Nivel y/o grado Básico 1er grado
Saber declarativo
Tipo de licencia Derechos reservados con copia libre
Formato HTML; PDF
Responsable de curación Editor
Última actualización 2020/09/11

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Suggested time
3 periods

Introduction[editar | editar código]

Students will learn basic vocabulary for food and drinks, and will use it in simple sentences. Additionally, students will learn about the food pyramid.

Didactic resources[editar | editar código]

  • board
  • markers
  • pen
  • notebook
  • sheets of paper
  • crayons
  • English-Spanish/Spanish-English dictionary

Session 17, Period 1[editar | editar código]

Initial Phase[editar | editar código]

todo el grupo

Ask the students about everyday activities. Which can they remember? For sure someone will say something about eating, then ask what food and beverage names they know and write what they say on the board.


Be available to provide help for food and drinks vocabulary.

Intermediate Phase[editar | editar código]

trabajo individual

Now tell the class to open their book on activity 17.1 part one.

Have them compare the food they mentioned with the ones that can be found in the student book.


Ask the students which food they know and about the food they like.

Wrap up[editar | editar código]

Go over the vocabulary reviewing the illustrations on lesson 17.1 from the student book.

Session 17, Period 2[editar | editar código]

Initial Phase[editar | editar código]

todo el grupo

Elicit expressions you can use to ask for food, and express likes and dislikes.

trabajo individual

Refer students to section 17.1.b in their workbook. Follow instructions and then listen to some of the sentences made by them.


This learning session will be based on the vocabulary seen during Period 1 of this session; the activities are connected with it.

Intermediate Phase[editar | editar código]

trabajo en tríos

Do activity 17.2 part one.

trabajo individual

Do activity 17.2 part two.


Walk around the classroom and be available to solve doubts.

Wrap up[editar | editar código]

todo el grupo

Invite the groups to share one of the menus they created.

Session 17, Period 3[editar | editar código]

Initial Phase[editar | editar código]

todo el grupo

Play the guessing game What am I? You can decide in which order students will participate.

Intermediate Phase[editar | editar código]

trabajo en tríos

Introduce the students to the concept of food pyramid.

  • Read the text and answer the questions. (03 points )
    • Does the food pyramid gives good information about healthy eating? (Yes, it gives good information).
    • Should you eat more cereals than fruit ? (Yes)
    • Are fats, oils, and sweets the most important foods in a good diet? (No)
  • Match each question with the appropriate answer. (02 points - correct matches indicated in parenthesis in the first column).
1. Which meal should be essential to you? (c) a. Fats, oils, and sweets
2. How much vegetables should you have in a day? (d) b. Kids who have a healthy breakfast.
3. What is at the top of the food pyramid? (a) c. Breakfast.
4. Who does better at school? (b) d. 3 to 5 servings.

Wrap up[editar | editar código]

Give the right answers for the reading comprehension and have time to see all the collages about the food pyramid.

Refer the students to the Can Do Statements in the student workbook.

Sistema social para expresar ideas y manifestarlas al prójimo. Este sistema existe dentro de un entorno social (sistema social) y un sistema lingüístico (ejemplos son el español, francés, k’iche’, kaqchikel, etc.) Tienen que existir ambos sistemas para que pueda existir la comunicación.