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Página creada con «{{Recurso educativo AEIF |Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala; |Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero |Grado=Básico 1er grado |Competencia=1. Responds t...»
{{Recurso educativo AEIF
|Autor=Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala;
|Área=Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
|Grado=Básico 1er grado
|Competencia=1. Responds to basic oral instructions given in English at school.;
2. Answers orally to simple directions, questions and gives basic information by using specific topics framed at school and family.
|Indicador=1.3. Follows responsibly common directions given orally by the teacher.;
2.2. Asks and answers respectfully basic questions about needed information.
|Saber declarativo=1.3.1. Commands through total physical response (TPR).;
1.3.2. Instructions, orders, commands and requests given in class using imperatives.;
2.2.2. My neighborhood: Adjectives.
|Tipo de licencia=Derechos reservados con copia libre
|Formato=HTML; PDF
|Responsable de curación=Editor;
|Última actualización=2020/09/11
{{Calificación de recurso}}

<div style="border:solid 1px; border-radius:8px; padding:8px; width:25%; margin-bottom:10px">
<center>'''Suggested time'''</center>

<center>3 periods</center>
=== Introduction ===
Students must be able to read and write simple sentences using imperatives and TPR sequences related to classroom objects. In addition, students recognize cardinal and ordinal numbers 0-7 and relate them to the days of the week. Students understand before and after.

=== Didactic resources ===
* board
* markers
* pen
* notebook
* sheets of paper
* ball or an eraser
* crayons
* English-Spanish/Spanish-English Dictionary
* pictures
* posters
* bottle
* cups
* seeds

=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 1 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}
<div style="border:dotted 1px; border-radius:8px; padding:5px; clear:both; margin-top:5px">
Draw stick figures related to classroom and objects in order to review them.

<center>[[Archivo:Figura de palitos camina.png|150px|Walk]]
[[Archivo:Figura de palitos señala.png|150px|Point]]
[[Archivo:Dos figuras de palitos dibujan.png|150px|Introduce “draw”]]
[[Archivo:Figura de palitos sentada en el suelo.png|200px|Sit down on the floor]]</center>

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en tríos}}Ask them to get together and in their notebooks create and illustrate five TPR sequences, using the following components:
* Stick figures
* Include an action learned in class
* Also include a classroom object

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Take a pen, a crayon and pencil. Introduce the vocabulary. Ask the students:
: What is this? It's a pen
: What is this? It's a crayon
: What is this? It’s a pencil

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en tríos}}Ask students to follow the pattern and the students must take a pen, a crayon, a pencil and another classroom object. Students should take turns and ask each other: : What is this?
and answer
: It's a __________________.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Explain to them what is an imperative. Direct the student to the ''Communicative Pattern Reference on Imperatives''. Go over the information with the students as they observe it.
<div style="border:dotted 1px; border-radius:8px; padding:5px; clear:both; margin-top:5px">
Ask each student to do ''activity 3.1.'' Answers are presented below:

Command, Order, Request or Instruction
<li>Please, don't close the window (Request)</li>
<li>Open your books on page 5 (Instruction)</li>
<li>Go to your desk! (Order)</li>
<li>Point to the English Poster (Command)</li>
<li>It is cold! Close the windows (Instruction / Order)</li>
<li>Don't drink water from that place! (Order)</li>

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Ask four questions related to classroom objects using the pattern:
: What's this?
Student must respond
: It's a ___________.

<div style="background-color:#E9E5F1; border:solid 1px black; border-radius:8px; padding:8px; clear:left">
<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en casa}}Ask students to create four questions using the pattern presented above.

Ask students to illustrate the answer.

=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 2 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo individual}}Go back to ''exercise 3.1.'' and ask the students to create four imperative sentences: an order, a request, an instruction, and a command.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo individual}}Students should get together with a partner a compare their sentences (both function and sentence).
<div style="border:dotted 1px; border-radius:8px; padding:5px; clear:both; margin-top:5px">
Verify that students differentiate request, instruction and command.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Read the number words and numerals again and have students repeat them in unison or name them as you point to the number words or numerals.

Repeat the above exercise except this time, ask for individual responses.

Erase the board and write numerals, one at a time and in random order, on the board and ask for oral responses. To increase/enhance participation, call on students for answers.

Erase the board and write the number words on the board, one at a time and in random order, and ask for oral responses. To increase/enhance participation, call on students for answers.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Refer students to ''activity 3.2.'' and ask them to work as pairs in ''activity a.''

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo individual}}After 5 minutes do the number dictation on ''letter b.'' Check answers and give them some 2-3 minutes to go over the numbers and how they are written. Do activity c. with the whole class.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en grupo}}Explain that there are seven (7) days in a week and that each of the days begins with a capital letter. Write the days of the week in sequence on the board and read each day to the students.

Read the days of the week again and have students repeat them in unison or name them as you point to them.

Repeat the above exercise except this time, ask for individual responses.

Using a current monthly calendar, point to each of the days of the week asking for responses from the class. (You can draw a calendar on the board if necessary or you can use a pocket chart.)

Explain the vocabulary word “today”.

Ask the students, “What day is today?” Have them give answers orally and ask them to put a check mark next to the day on the calendar.

Explain the vocabulary words “tomorrow” and “yesterday”. Make sure students understand these words before proceeding. Write on the board “Yesterday it was _____________________________. Today is _________________. Tomorrow will be ________________________.”

Ask students to give the correct day of the week orally or you may ask that they write the answer on the board.

Emphasize and show that the days of the week begin with a capital letter. Review the concept as many times as necessary.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Direct student to ''student book activity 3.3.'' and ask to review vocabulary and writing of the days of the week.
<div style="border:dotted 1px; border-radius:8px; padding:5px; clear:both; margin-top:5px">
Students should study the chart and review the information given by the teacher.

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en tríos}}Student should go over all the class, reviewing together the vocabulary, the pronunciation and the order of the numbers as well as the days of the week.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en casa}}Students should write the names of the days of the week using colors and their own design.

<div style="background-color:#E9E5F1; border:solid 1px black; border-radius:8px; padding:8px; clear:left">
<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>
Student should present and read the days of the week to the teacher in the next period.

=== {{SUBPAGENAME}}, Period 3 ===
==== Initial Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Pitch a ball or clean eraser to a student and count “one”. He or she must throw it to another student and count “two”, etc. Repeat numbers 1 through 7 as necessary.

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en equipo}}Give each student a handful of counting objects (bottle caps or seeds could work). Taking turns in small groups, have each student practice counting aloud. Those students who are listening to the counter should be instructed to listen carefully to recognize correct counting and pronunciation as well as to recognize any mistakes.
<div style="border:dotted 1px; border-radius:8px; padding:5px; clear:both; margin-top:5px">
Verify the correct number is being said related to a certain quantity.

==== Intermediate Phase ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=todo el grupo}}Explain the ordinal numbers and connect each cardinal number to its corresponding ordinal number.
# 1st - One - First
# 2nd - Two - Second
# 3rd - Three - Third
# 4th - Four - Fourth
# 5th - Five - Fifth
# 6th - Six - Sixth
# 7th - Seven - Seventh

{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo individual}}Refer students to ''3.3. activity b.'' which is a reading. Ask them to silently
try to understand what is written. Read with them if necessary but do not translate. Explain to them the use of ''which'' to indicate more specific information within a group. Google “[ esl which vs what]” if you have problems understanding the difference.<ref>''Editor's note:'' here are two explanations.
* [,Which%20foot%20did%20you%20break%3F%22 What vs. which] on
* [ Which vs. what] on
Ask them to answer the questions related to the reading segments.
<div style="border:dotted 1px; border-radius:8px; padding:5px; clear:both; margin-top:5px">
Circulate around verifying that students understand the task.

==== Wrap up ====
{{Plantilla:Icono guía docente Básico|nombre=trabajo en parejas}}Direct student to review the whole lesson and check yes or no the can-do statements. If they have problems they should ask you.

<div style="background-color:#E9E5F1; border:solid 1px black; border-radius:8px; padding:8px; clear:left">
<center>'''Formative assessment'''</center>
Students reviews the ''Can Do Statements''.
==== Notes ====
<references />

{{Título y superior}}


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