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Página reemplazada por «{{#docbook_index:grouping=Group_name}}»
Línea 1: Línea 1: −
|title=My Guide to Bowling
|productname=MY PRODUCT NAME(class=trade)
|biblioid=MY Bibliod(class=pubnumber)
|revhistory=13.1,24 June 2020
|subjectset=DO NOT REMOVE
|subtitle=Edition M Version 1
|cover page=Cover Contents
|header=My Guide to Bowling
|footer=My Guide to Bowling
|header_left=My Guide to Bowling Left
|footer_left=My Guide to Bowling Left
|header_right=My Guide to Bowling Right
|footer_right=My Guide to Bowling Right
|index term categories=index terms(group by=Index has Group)
|index terms=shoe,clothes
|watermark.rotation=-45 deg
| Roman
| Roman

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