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Línea 19: Línea 19:  
| rowspan="2"|1.1. Sigue instrucciones orales sencillas.  
| rowspan="2"|1.1. Sigue instrucciones orales sencillas.  
| 1.1.1. Verb commands  + negative commands  with “stop”.  
| 1.1.1. Verb commands  + negative commands  with “stop”.  
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| 1.1.2. Model this by walking in place: walk, stop walking, run, stop running, jump, stop jumping, talk, stop talking.  
| 1.1.2. Model this by walking in place: walk, stop walking, run, stop running, jump, stop jumping, talk, stop talking.  
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| style="background-color:#a8dcff;"|
| rowspan="2"|1.2. Asocia instrucciones orales con la acción requerida.  
| rowspan="2"|1.2. Asocia instrucciones orales con la acción requerida.  
| 1.2.1. Model speaking: “Hello. What's your name?”,  “How are you?”  
| 1.2.1. Model speaking: “Hello. What's your name?”,  “How are you?”  
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| 1.2.2. Model holding imaginary pencil: “write”, “stop writing”. (Use a pencil or mime with fingers.)  
| 1.2.2. Model holding imaginary pencil: “write”, “stop writing”. (Use a pencil or mime with fingers.)  
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| rowspan="2"|1.3. Realiza la acción de manera correcta de acuerdo  con la instrucción dada.  
| rowspan="2"|1.3. Realiza la acción de manera correcta de acuerdo  con la instrucción dada.  
| 1.3.1. Verb commands + negative commands  with “don't”.  
| 1.3.1. Verb commands + negative commands  with “don't”.  
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| 1.3.2. Model the following commands: “Don't' run to the door, walk to the door.” “Don't walk to the flag, jump to the flag.” “Don't push your chair, hit your chair.” (Get the class to repeat.)  
| 1.3.2. Model the following commands: “Don't' run to the door, walk to the door.” “Don't walk to the flag, jump to the flag.” “Don't push your chair, hit your chair.” (Get the class to repeat.)  
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| rowspan="2"|1.4. Reacciona inmediatamente ante un mandato.
| rowspan="2"|1.4. Reacciona inmediatamente ante un mandato.
| 1.4.1. Verbs of motion + places: “Go to the door.”, “Don't run.”  “Walk slowly.” “Open  the door.” “Close the door.” ”Jump to the window.” “Touch the window.” “Walk tiptoe to the teacher's desk.” “Touch the teacher's desk.  
| 1.4.1. Verbs of motion + places: “Go to the door.”, “Don't run.”  “Walk slowly.” “Open  the door.” “Close the door.” ”Jump to the window.” “Touch the window.” “Walk tiptoe to the teacher's desk.” “Touch the teacher's desk.  
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| 1.4.2. Commands  using colors: “Go to the brown door.” “Touch the yellow pencil.”  
| 1.4.2. Commands  using colors: “Go to the brown door.” “Touch the yellow pencil.”  
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   Línea 66: Línea 98:  
| rowspan="2"|2.1. Diferencia entre los fonemas básicos de su idioma materno y los del idioma en estudio.  
| rowspan="2"|2.1. Diferencia entre los fonemas básicos de su idioma materno y los del idioma en estudio.  
| 2.1.1. Special sounds used in the language: “h”  “th”  “j”  “d”.  
| 2.1.1. Special sounds used in the language: “h”  “th”  “j”  “d”.  
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| 2.1.2. Identifies key sounds to make inferences about similar words: the, that, this, these, hat, hot.  
| 2.1.2. Identifies key sounds to make inferences about similar words: the, that, this, these, hat, hot.  
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| rowspan="2"|2.2. Asocia órdenes con palabras  que contienen fonemas similares.  
| rowspan="2"|2.2. Asocia órdenes con palabras  que contienen fonemas similares.  
| 2.2.1. “Bring two books, please.” “Bring three sheets of paper, please.”,  “Bring an eraser, please.”  
| 2.2.1. “Bring two books, please.” “Bring three sheets of paper, please.”,  “Bring an eraser, please.”  
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| 2.2.2. “Put de book con the chair, please.”, “Put the book in the box, please.”  
| 2.2.2. “Put de book con the chair, please.”, “Put the book in the box, please.”  
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| rowspan="2"|2.3. Formula y responde  a preguntas con respuestas cortas utilizando palabras  con sonidos similares.   
| rowspan="2"|2.3. Formula y responde  a preguntas con respuestas cortas utilizando palabras  con sonidos similares.   
| 2.3.1. Responds with short answers: “Is that a chair?  Yes, it is. “ “Is this a pencil? Yes, it is.”  
| 2.3.1. Responds with short answers: “Is that a chair?  Yes, it is. “ “Is this a pencil? Yes, it is.”  
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| 2.3.2. Questions:  “Is this a book?”  “Is that a table?”, “Are there three pencils?”  
| 2.3.2. Questions:  “Is this a book?”  “Is that a table?”, “Are there three pencils?”  
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   Línea 105: Línea 161:  
| rowspan="2"|3.1. Pronuncia adecuadamente la orden en proceso de realización.  
| rowspan="2"|3.1. Pronuncia adecuadamente la orden en proceso de realización.  
| 3.1.1. “Wh” word questions: Where, what, who, which:  
| 3.1.1. “Wh” word questions: Where, what, who, which:  
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| 3.1.2. Expressions in class: “Where is your book?”, “Where is your pencil?”, “Where is your ruler?”  
| 3.1.2. Expressions in class: “Where is your book?”, “Where is your pencil?”, “Where is your ruler?”  
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| rowspan="2"|3.2. Enuncia claramente  las diferentes órdenes y expresiones cotidianas.  
| rowspan="2"|3.2. Enuncia claramente  las diferentes órdenes y expresiones cotidianas.  
| 3.2.1. Asks and answers short questions: “What is your name?” “My nameis.”  “How old are you?”, “I am  years old.”   
| 3.2.1. Asks and answers short questions: “What is your name?” “My nameis.”  “How old are you?”, “I am  years old.”   
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| 3.2.2. Everyday expressions: Good morning, Good  afternoon, Good  evening.  
| 3.2.2. Everyday expressions: Good morning, Good  afternoon, Good  evening.  
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|3.3. Pronuncia palabras  pares con sonidos similares.  
|3.3. Pronuncia palabras  pares con sonidos similares.  
| 3.3.1. Pair words: “Take - cake”  “Look - cook”  “Of - off ”  “Milk - silk”.  
| 3.3.1. Pair words: “Take - cake”  “Look - cook”  “Of - off ”  “Milk - silk”.  
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   Línea 142: Línea 219:  
| rowspan="3"|4.1. Sigue instrucciones verbales para realizar dos acciones.   
| rowspan="3"|4.1. Sigue instrucciones verbales para realizar dos acciones.   
| 4.1.1. Personal information: “What is your address and how do you spell that?”, “What is that and how do you spell it's name.”  
| 4.1.1. Personal information: “What is your address and how do you spell that?”, “What is that and how do you spell it's name.”  
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| 4.1.2. Write with / draw with + crayons: “Write your first name with the blue crayon.” “Write your last name with the red crayon.” “Draw a flower with the green and the yellow crayons.”  
| 4.1.2. Write with / draw with + crayons: “Write your first name with the blue crayon.” “Write your last name with the red crayon.” “Draw a flower with the green and the yellow crayons.”  
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| 4.1.3. Color / draw + first, second,  third, fourth: “Draw four circles. Color the first circle red, color the second circle blue, color the third circle orange,  color the fourth circle yellow.  
| 4.1.3. Color / draw + first, second,  third, fourth: “Draw four circles. Color the first circle red, color the second circle blue, color the third circle orange,  color the fourth circle yellow.  
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| rowspan="3"|4.2. Expresa sus preferencias de entre una serie de órdenes o instrucciones.  
| rowspan="3"|4.2. Expresa sus preferencias de entre una serie de órdenes o instrucciones.  
| 4.2.1. Telling the time: “What time is it?”  
| 4.2.1. Telling the time: “What time is it?”  
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| 4.2.2. Ask the time: “What time is it?”, “It's ______ o' clock.” (Use of clock face with moveable hands.)  
| 4.2.2. Ask the time: “What time is it?”, “It's ______ o' clock.” (Use of clock face with moveable hands.)  
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| 4.2.3. Numbers from 11 to 20 (eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen)  
| 4.2.3. Numbers from 11 to 20 (eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen)  
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| rowspan="3"|4.3. Infiere el significado de los movimientos acompañados de una expresión oral.
| rowspan="3"|4.3. Infiere el significado de los movimientos acompañados de una expresión oral.
| 4.3.1. Command forms and prepositions of place: “Take the doll, the green crayon, and the red ball.”  “Put the doll on the table.” “Put the crayon on the desk.” “Put the red ball under the table.”  
| 4.3.1. Command forms and prepositions of place: “Take the doll, the green crayon, and the red ball.”  “Put the doll on the table.” “Put the crayon on the desk.” “Put the red ball under the table.”  
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| 4.3.2. Occupations and work places: “Student - book”, “Teacher - school” “Nurse - Hospital”  “Secretary - office.”  
| 4.3.2. Occupations and work places: “Student - book”, “Teacher - school” “Nurse - Hospital”  “Secretary - office.”  
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| 4.3.3. Expressions: “Where is the teacher?” “He is at school.”  “Where's the secretary?”, “She is at the office.”  
| 4.3.3. Expressions: “Where is the teacher?” “He is at school.”  “Where's the secretary?”, “She is at the office.”  
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   Línea 191: Línea 304:  
| rowspan="5"|5.1. Interpreta símbolos específicos propios del idioma en aprendizaje.  
| rowspan="5"|5.1. Interpreta símbolos específicos propios del idioma en aprendizaje.  
| 5.1.1. Sports symbols: “soccer”  “baseball” “basketball”.  
| 5.1.1. Sports symbols: “soccer”  “baseball” “basketball”.  
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| 5.1.2. Contractions: “It's”, “What's” “Where's”: “What's that?”  “It's a lamp.”  “Where is it?” “It's on the table.”  
| 5.1.2. Contractions: “It's”, “What's” “Where's”: “What's that?”  “It's a lamp.”  “Where is it?” “It's on the table.”  
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| 5.1.3. Name of fruits: “banana”, “orange” “lemon” “peach”.  
| 5.1.3. Name of fruits: “banana”, “orange” “lemon” “peach”.  
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| 5.1.4. Expressions: “Bring the orange.” “Eat the banana.”  
| 5.1.4. Expressions: “Bring the orange.” “Eat the banana.”  
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| 5.1.5. Write amounts of money using the symbol US$.  
| 5.1.5. Write amounts of money using the symbol US$.  
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| rowspan="4"|5.2. Asocia imágenes con la grafía correspondiente.
| rowspan="4"|5.2. Asocia imágenes con la grafía correspondiente.
| 5.2.1. Parts of the body: “head”, “trunk” “arms”, “legs”, “hands” “feet”.  
| 5.2.1. Parts of the body: “head”, “trunk” “arms”, “legs”, “hands” “feet”.  
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| 5.2.2. Flash cards: parts of the body.  
| 5.2.2. Flash cards: parts of the body.  
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| 5.2.3. Expression: “Show me your arms.” “Show me your hands.”  “Show me your foot.”  
| 5.2.3. Expression: “Show me your arms.” “Show me your hands.”  “Show me your foot.”  
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| 5.2.4. Expressions: “This is my face.”, “This is my forehead, “This is my nose.” “These are my eyes.” “This is my mouth.”  
| 5.2.4. Expressions: “This is my face.”, “This is my forehead, “This is my nose.” “These are my eyes.” “This is my mouth.”  
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| rowspan="3"|5.3. Realiza acciones de acuerdo con la imagen sugerida.  
| rowspan="3"|5.3. Realiza acciones de acuerdo con la imagen sugerida.  
| 5.3.1. Drawing actions: “Be quite.” “Smile.” “Scream.” “Stop.”  
| 5.3.1. Drawing actions: “Be quite.” “Smile.” “Scream.” “Stop.”  
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| 5.3.2. Special symbols: “Handicapped” “Public services.”  “Danger”.  
| 5.3.2. Special symbols: “Handicapped” “Public services.”  “Danger”.  
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| 5.3.3. Spelling commands: numbers and basic vocabulary studied in class.  
| 5.3.3. Spelling commands: numbers and basic vocabulary studied in class.  
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[[Categoría:Primaria]] [[Categoría:Comunicación y Lenguaje]]
[[Categoría:Primaria]] [[Categoría:Comunicación y Lenguaje]]
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