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Línea 20: Línea 20:  
| rowspan="2"|1.1. Responde con seguridad en seguimiento de instrucciones simples.  
| rowspan="2"|1.1. Responde con seguridad en seguimiento de instrucciones simples.  
| 1.1.1. Responds to request forms: After teaching the names of several items placed in front of the students, hold out your hand and say, “May I have the book please?” Students repeat the words, “May I have the (object)”  
| 1.1.1. Responds to request forms: After teaching the names of several items placed in front of the students, hold out your hand and say, “May I have the book please?” Students repeat the words, “May I have the (object)”  
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| 1.1.2. Verbally responds to common requests: “May I have the pencil, please?”, “Yes, you may have the pencil. Here it is.”  
| 1.1.2. Verbally responds to common requests: “May I have the pencil, please?”, “Yes, you may have the pencil. Here it is.”  
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| rowspan="3"|1.2. Interpreta instrucciones en forma lúdica.
| rowspan="3"|1.2. Interpreta instrucciones en forma lúdica.
| 1.2.1. Expressions in class: “Where are the pens and the pencils?” “May I have the pencil and the pen, please?”, “Yes, you may.”, or “Yes, here they are.”  
| 1.2.1. Expressions in class: “Where are the pens and the pencils?” “May I have the pencil and the pen, please?”, “Yes, you may.”, or “Yes, here they are.”  
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| 1.2.2. Countries or places within the country: “Where are you from?”, “I'm from Sololá.”, “Where are you from?”, “I from Izabal.”, “Where is she from?”, “She is from Antigua Guatemala.”  
| 1.2.2. Countries or places within the country: “Where are you from?”, “I'm from Sololá.”, “Where are you from?”, “I from Izabal.”, “Where is she from?”, “She is from Antigua Guatemala.”  
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| 1.2.3. Greetings and introductions: “Hi. I'm José.”, “This is Ixmukane.”, “She is from Guatemala.”  
| 1.2.3. Greetings and introductions: “Hi. I'm José.”, “This is Ixmukane.”, “She is from Guatemala.”  
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| rowspan="5"|1.3. Reacciona al escuchar nuevas órdenes.  
| rowspan="5"|1.3. Reacciona al escuchar nuevas órdenes.  
| 1.3.1. Flash cards: Put up the flashcards, one by one, telling the learners about each one as you do so; for example: “He's happy.”, “She's hungry.”  
| 1.3.1. Flash cards: Put up the flashcards, one by one, telling the learners about each one as you do so; for example: “He's happy.”, “She's hungry.”  
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| 1.3.2. Feelings: “hungry”, “happy”, “sad”. “Are you hungry?”, “Yes, I am.”, “Are you sad?”, “No, I am not.”  
| 1.3.2. Feelings: “hungry”, “happy”, “sad”. “Are you hungry?”, “Yes, I am.”, “Are you sad?”, “No, I am not.”  
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| 1.3.3. “May I have the sharpener?”, “May I have your pencil?, Pick up the student's hand and fold his fingers around the object. A smile and “Thank you.” will complete the meaning.  
| 1.3.3. “May I have the sharpener?”, “May I have your pencil?, Pick up the student's hand and fold his fingers around the object. A smile and “Thank you.” will complete the meaning.  
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   Línea 66: Línea 98:  
| rowspan="2"|2.1. Compara los diferentes signos fonológicos básicos.  
| rowspan="2"|2.1. Compara los diferentes signos fonológicos básicos.  
| 2.1.1. Special characters: “ñ” en “montaña” - “'” en “I'm. . .”, “ü” en “bilingüe”, entre otros.  
| 2.1.1. Special characters: “ñ” en “montaña” - “'” en “I'm. . .”, “ü” en “bilingüe”, entre otros.  
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| 2.1.2. Using contracted forms: “What color is your pen?”, “It's red.”, “What color is the wall?”, “It's yellow.”, “Where's your book?”, “It's on the desk.”  
| 2.1.2. Using contracted forms: “What color is your pen?”, “It's red.”, “What color is the wall?”, “It's yellow.”, “Where's your book?”, “It's on the desk.”  
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| rowspan="3"|2.2. Identifica palabras con fonemas similares a los de su idioma materno.  
| rowspan="3"|2.2. Identifica palabras con fonemas similares a los de su idioma materno.  
| 2.2.1. Means of transportation: “acción - action”, “lección - lesson”  
| 2.2.1. Means of transportation: “acción - action”, “lección - lesson”  
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| 2.2.2. Food and drinks: “breakfast”, “lunch”, “dinner”. (Display pictures of food on the board.)  
| 2.2.2. Food and drinks: “breakfast”, “lunch”, “dinner”. (Display pictures of food on the board.)  
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| 2.2.3. Basic expression: “What do you have for breakfast?”, “I have tortilla con frijoles and coffee.”  
| 2.2.3. Basic expression: “What do you have for breakfast?”, “I have tortilla con frijoles and coffee.”  
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| rowspan="2"|2.3. Identifica la forma de colocación del apóstrofo en las palabras.
| rowspan="2"|2.3. Identifica la forma de colocación del apóstrofo en las palabras.
| 2.3.1. Using contractions on question words, plural and possessive nouns: “How is Maria´s desk.”  
| 2.3.1. Using contractions on question words, plural and possessive nouns: “How is Maria´s desk.”  
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| 2.3.2. Command forms and prepositions of place: “Take Maria´s book from my desk.” “Bring Juan's book to my bag.  
| 2.3.2. Command forms and prepositions of place: “Take Maria´s book from my desk.” “Bring Juan's book to my bag.  
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   Línea 109: Línea 169:  
| rowspan="2"|3.1. Responde pronunciando adecuadamente expresiones cotidianas.  
| rowspan="2"|3.1. Responde pronunciando adecuadamente expresiones cotidianas.  
| 3.1.1. Greetings and leave takings: Short dialogue: “Good morning class.”, “Good morning teacher.”, “How are you today?”, “I'm fine, thank you. How about you?”, “I'm fine thanks.”, “Nice to meet you.”, “Nice to meet you, too.”, “Good bye, see you later.”  
| 3.1.1. Greetings and leave takings: Short dialogue: “Good morning class.”, “Good morning teacher.”, “How are you today?”, “I'm fine, thank you. How about you?”, “I'm fine thanks.”, “Nice to meet you.”, “Nice to meet you, too.”, “Good bye, see you later.”  
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| 3.1.2. Leisure activities: “soccer”, “baseball”, “basketball”, “sewing”. “Do you like soccer?”, “Yes, I do.”, “Do you like sewing?”, “No, I don't.”  
| 3.1.2. Leisure activities: “soccer”, “baseball”, “basketball”, “sewing”. “Do you like soccer?”, “Yes, I do.”, “Do you like sewing?”, “No, I don't.”  
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| rowspan="2"|3.2. Identifica familias de palabras con similar pronunciación.  
| rowspan="2"|3.2. Identifica familias de palabras con similar pronunciación.  
| 3.2.1. Word search with similar pronunciation: “small”, “wall”, “tall”, “Action”, “motion”, “function”.  
| 3.2.1. Word search with similar pronunciation: “small”, “wall”, “tall”, “Action”, “motion”, “function”.  
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| 3.2.2. My favorite TV program: “Do you watch television?”, “What's your favorite program?”, “Do you watch cartoons?”  
| 3.2.2. My favorite TV program: “Do you watch television?”, “What's your favorite program?”, “Do you watch cartoons?”  
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| rowspan="2"|3.3. Reproduce espontáneamente la pronunciación de frases simples.
| rowspan="2"|3.3. Reproduce espontáneamente la pronunciación de frases simples.
| 3.3.1. Family members: “father”, “mother”, “daughter”, “son”, “brother”, “sister”.  
| 3.3.1. Family members: “father”, “mother”, “daughter”, “son”, “brother”, “sister”.  
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| 3.3.2. Words using “th”, “father”, “mother”, “brother”, “leather”, “together”. “What's your father's name?”, “Where does he work?”  
| 3.3.2. Words using “th”, “father”, “mother”, “brother”, “leather”, “together”. “What's your father's name?”, “Where does he work?”  
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   Línea 149: Línea 233:  
| rowspan="3"|4.1. Escribe expresiones cortas de uso cotidiano.  
| rowspan="3"|4.1. Escribe expresiones cortas de uso cotidiano.  
| 4.1.1. Daily routines; “What do you do every day?”, “What does she do at school?”  
| 4.1.1. Daily routines; “What do you do every day?”, “What does she do at school?”  
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| 4.1.2. Everyday actions: “Get up.”, “Wash...”, “Have breakfast.”, “Brush my teeth.”, “Watch TV.”, “Go to bed”.  
| 4.1.2. Everyday actions: “Get up.”, “Wash...”, “Have breakfast.”, “Brush my teeth.”, “Watch TV.”, “Go to bed”.  
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| 4.1.3. Sequencing words: “First”, “second”, “third”.   
| 4.1.3. Sequencing words: “First”, “second”, “third”.   
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| rowspan="3"|4.2. Utiliza correctamente, en su escritura, signos propios del idioma en aprendizaje.  
| rowspan="3"|4.2. Utiliza correctamente, en su escritura, signos propios del idioma en aprendizaje.  
| 4.2.1. Jobs: “farmer”, “teacher”, “doctor”, “mechanic”, “secretary”.  
| 4.2.1. Jobs: “farmer”, “teacher”, “doctor”, “mechanic”, “secretary”.  
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| 4.2.2. Short description of a family and their jobs: “What's your job?”, “I'm a teacher.”, “What's her job?”, “She's a secretary.”  
| 4.2.2. Short description of a family and their jobs: “What's your job?”, “I'm a teacher.”, “What's her job?”, “She's a secretary.”  
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| 4.2.3. Job and actions: “What does a teacher do?”, “He teaches children.”, “What does a doctor do?”, “He cures sick people.”, “What does a secretary do?”, “She types letters.”, “What do you do?”, “I study English.”  
| 4.2.3. Job and actions: “What does a teacher do?”, “He teaches children.”, “What does a doctor do?”, “He cures sick people.”, “What does a secretary do?”, “She types letters.”, “What do you do?”, “I study English.”  
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| rowspan="3"|4.3. Reproduce, correctamente, órdenes escritas.  
| rowspan="3"|4.3. Reproduce, correctamente, órdenes escritas.  
| 4.3.1. Describing people: “tall”, “short”, “thin”, “fat”, “small”, “young”, “old”.  
| 4.3.1. Describing people: “tall”, “short”, “thin”, “fat”, “small”, “young”, “old”.  
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| 4.3.2. Using gestures to make the meaning of “tall” and “thin”, “fat” and “short”  
| 4.3.2. Using gestures to make the meaning of “tall” and “thin”, “fat” and “short”  
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| 4.3.3. Combining colors and parts of the body: “What's her hair's color?”, “It's black.”, “What's the color of his eyes?”, “They are brown.”  
| 4.3.3. Combining colors and parts of the body: “What's her hair's color?”, “It's black.”, “What's the color of his eyes?”, “They are brown.”  
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   Línea 198: Línea 318:  
| rowspan="3"|5.1. Deletrea palabras correctamente.  
| rowspan="3"|5.1. Deletrea palabras correctamente.  
| 5.1.1. Spelling new words: Proper names, famous people in the community.  
| 5.1.1. Spelling new words: Proper names, famous people in the community.  
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| 5.1.2. Numbers from 21 to 30: “twenty one”, “twenty two”, “twenty three”, “twenty nine”, “thirty”.  
| 5.1.2. Numbers from 21 to 30: “twenty one”, “twenty two”, “twenty three”, “twenty nine”, “thirty”.  
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| 5.1.3. Description of pictures indicating theme understanding: family pictures, animal pictures, landscape spots, among others.  
| 5.1.3. Description of pictures indicating theme understanding: family pictures, animal pictures, landscape spots, among others.  
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| rowspan="2"|5.2. Sigue instrucciones escritas.  
| rowspan="2"|5.2. Sigue instrucciones escritas.  
| 5.2.1. Step by step activities: how to turn on a TV, how to turn on the radio, how to play marbles.  
| 5.2.1. Step by step activities: how to turn on a TV, how to turn on the radio, how to play marbles.  
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| 5.2.2. Clothes: “Shirt”, “T shirt”, “dress”, “blouse”, “jeans”, “socks”. “What's Adela wearing?”, “She is wearing a black blouse.”, “What's Antonio wearing?”, “He is wearing a yellow T shirt and blue jeans.”  
| 5.2.2. Clothes: “Shirt”, “T shirt”, “dress”, “blouse”, “jeans”, “socks”. “What's Adela wearing?”, “She is wearing a black blouse.”, “What's Antonio wearing?”, “He is wearing a yellow T shirt and blue jeans.”  
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| rowspan="4"|5.3. Interpreta anuncios escritos, panfletos, folletos, entre otros.  
| rowspan="4"|5.3. Interpreta anuncios escritos, panfletos, folletos, entre otros.  
| 5.3.1. Adds on the streets, banners, pamphlets.
| 5.3.1. Adds on the streets, banners, pamphlets.
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| 5.3.2. Market products: “apples”, “potatoes”, “rice”, “sugar”, “bread”, “cereal”. “What's in my basket?”, “There is an apple.”, “Is there a banana in the basket?”, “No, there isn't.”  
| 5.3.2. Market products: “apples”, “potatoes”, “rice”, “sugar”, “bread”, “cereal”. “What's in my basket?”, “There is an apple.”, “Is there a banana in the basket?”, “No, there isn't.”  
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| 5.3.3. Describing actions: “An old man is standing at the bus top.”, “Three young men are drinking coffee.”, “What are you doing?”, “I'm standing on the corner.”, “What is she doing?”, “She is selling flowers.”  
| 5.3.3. Describing actions: “An old man is standing at the bus top.”, “Three young men are drinking coffee.”, “What are you doing?”, “I'm standing on the corner.”, “What is she doing?”, “She is selling flowers.”  
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| 5.3.4. Describe icons, signs and symbols: computer icons, graphic symbols, and others.  
| 5.3.4. Describe icons, signs and symbols: computer icons, graphic symbols, and others.  
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