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Línea 25: Línea 25:  
#Kazemi,E.(1998).Discoursethat promotesconceptual understanding. Teaching Children Mathematics, 4, 410–414.
#Kazemi,E.(1998).Discoursethat promotesconceptual understanding. Teaching Children Mathematics, 4, 410–414.
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#Kolb, D.A., Rubin, I.M., & McIntyre, J.M. (1974). Organizational psychology: A book of readings (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
#Kolb, D.A., Rubin, I.M., & McIntyre, J.M. (1974). Organizational psychology: A book of readings (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
#Kolb, D. A. (2000). Facilitator’s guide to learning. Boston: Hay/McBer.
#Kolb, D. A. (2000). Facilitator’s guide to learning. Boston: Hay/McBer.
#Land, R. et al. (2005). Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge(3)*: Implications for course design and evaluation. In C. Rust(Ed.), Improving student learning diversity and inclusivity. Oxford, UK: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.
#Land, R. et al. (2005). Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge(3)*: Implications for course design and evaluation. In C. Rust(Ed.), Improving student learning diversity and inclusivity. Oxford, UK: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.
Línea 46: Línea 45:  
#Siegel, H. (1985). Educating reason: Critical thinking, informal logic, and the philosophy of education. Part Two: Philosophical questions underlying education for critical thinking. Informal Logic, 7, 2–3.
#Siegel, H. (1985). Educating reason: Critical thinking, informal logic, and the philosophy of education. Part Two: Philosophical questions underlying education for critical thinking. Informal Logic, 7, 2–3.
#Silver, N. (2012). The signal and the noise: Why so many predictions fail—But some don’t. New York: Penguin.
#Silver, N. (2012). The signal and the noise: Why so many predictions fail—But some don’t. New York: Penguin.
#Singh M. & Qi J. (2013). 21st century international mindedness: An exploratory study of its conceptualisation and assessment. Sydney, Australia: Centre for Educational Research School of
#Singh M. & Qi J. (2013). 21st century international mindedness: An exploratory study of its conceptualisation and assessment. Sydney, Australia: Centre for Educational Research School of Education, University of Western Sydney. <>
#Smith, E. & Medin, D. (1981). Categories and Concepts. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press.
#Spencer, E., Lucas, B., & Claxton, G. (2012). Progression in creativity: Developing new forms of assessment: A literature review. Newcastle, UK: CCE.
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#Sternberg, R.J. (2009). Academic intelligence is not enough. WICS; an expanded model for effective practice in school and later in life. Worcester, MA: Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise. <>
#Swan, M.& Pead, D (2008). Bowland Maths Key Stage 3: Professional development resources. Blackburn, UK: Bowland Charitable Trust.
#Torrance, E. (1970). Encouraging creativity in the classroom. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown.
#Treffinger, D., et al. (2002). Assessing creativity: A guide for educators. Storrs, CT: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented.
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#Zabelina, D. & Robinson, M. (2010). Creativity as flexible cognitive control. Psychology of Aesthetics: Creativity, and the Arts. 4(3), 136–143.
#Zumbrunn, S., Tadlock, J. & Roberts, E.D. (2011) Encouraging SelfRegulated Learning in the Classroom: A Review of the Literature. Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC). Virginia Commonwealth University.
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