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Defensor del Pueblo –UNICEF. (2007). Violencia Escolar: 1999-2006. Madrid: Publicaciones de la Oficina del Defensor del Pueblo.
# Defensor del Pueblo –UNICEF. (2007). Violencia Escolar: 1999-2006. Madrid: Publicaciones de la Oficina del Defensor del Pueblo.
# Espelage, D.L., Bosworth, K., Simon, T.R. (2000). Examining the Social Context of Bullying Behaviors in Early Adolescence. Journal of Counseling & Development, 78, 326-333.
# Espelage, D.L., Bosworth, K., Simon, T.R. (2000). Examining the Social Context of Bullying Behaviors in Early Adolescence. Journal of Counseling & Development, 78, 326-333.
# Espelage, D.L., Swearer, S. (2003). Research on School Bullying and Victimization: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go from Here?. School Psychology Review, 32.
# Espelage, D.L., Swearer, S. (2003). Research on School Bullying and Victimization: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go from Here?. School Psychology Review, 32.

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